Example sentences of "[coord] by [art] way " in BNC.

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1 For many of those who do take the text seriously however , Christian teaching on the subject of wealth is summed up either by one of the easily remembered phrases from the Gospels such as ‘ Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor , and you will have treasure in heaven ’ ( Luke 18:22 ) or ‘ You can not serve God and Mammon ’ ( Luke 16:13 ) or that ‘ It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God ’ ( Luke 18:25 ) or by the way in which the members of the Jerusalem Church as recorded in Acts of the Apostles shared their wealth according to the principle ‘ From each according to his ability , to each according to his need ’ .
2 She was n't going to do it again , and let him think that she could still be affected by anything he said , or by the way he looked at her .
3 And by no way were they going to let the national agreement down .
4 And by the way , if you think that all homeless people have it as easy as I had it , then you are living in dream world .
5 And by the way , ’ said Elinor as she handed round tea and biscuits , ‘ I found out that the Chatwin kid was traced to a gypsy camp at the Appleby Horse Fair but before the police could pick him up he 'd disappeared again . ’
6 ‘ She 's no dumb blonde , she has got a skin of steel and by the way she conducts herself you can tell she has got things in proportion too .
7 And by the way , why is a violet a ‘ blood-flower ’ ?
8 And by the way .
9 Oh , and by the way , ’ he added smugly , ‘ I and my friends here will be claiming the King 's Huge Reward .
10 I hope that I have redressed the balance regarding the usual effect of freeze branding and by the way I do n't have a financial interest in either system so my view is unbiased .
11 And by the way , I have an appointment in the city around eleven , so I may not be back to stand in for the dinner breaks .
12 And by the way , remember what we talked about the other day ?
14 ‘ Oh , and by the way , Mum , ’ went on Violet , ‘ Philippa rang and said could you man the Bric-à-Brac Stall on Saturday . ’
15 And by the way , Steven , I did not find your views about Pakistanis very humorous .
16 And by the way , put someone medical on to tell her about Eve 's injuries .
17 We need to make it clear by the way we stand and hold a gaze , and by the way we speak , that we can not be so easily dismissed .
18 And by the way , I 've bought a marvellous young hunter from old Devlin .
19 And by the way , I do n't know why we 're sitting crouched down here because we could stand up by the spruce there : its shadow is darker than the sky , and we could be more ready for them .
20 And by the way , we 'll have to run for it ; it 's coming down whole water . ’
21 And by the way , that 's another thing .
22 And by the way , I still believe Dermot Somers ' was immeasurably the better book .
23 And by the way , do n't forget to cash in with the great Vernons offer in your new Diamond Bingo card .
24 And by the way , talking of murder , there 's a very odd paragraph about you , Berowne , in today 's Paternoster Review .
25 The processes through which questions such as these are framed and the answers which seem acceptable are already determined by a whole range of social factors outside the control of teachers ; by the nature of the social hierarchy , and the distribution of resources in society , by a general set of assumptions current among those who take political and economic decisions , and by the way in which education is institutionalized and so schools are organized .
26 Oh and by the way how about recording erm meetings of the administration erm
27 And by the way , Laurence advises you to hurry back , as you may have the chance of a part .
28 But you 've also got ta say , and by the way this is one we did earlier .
29 I do n't accept your terms , love says ; sorry , you do n't impress , and by the way what a silly uniform you 're wearing .
30 And by the way , I did n't think Brownies lied .
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