Example sentences of "[coord] they be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 So in an effort to find out whether are blind , or they 're just weird , we asked a member of a party of visitors from Tokyo , Miss Takishima , to be kind enough to let us process the film in her camera .
2 In fact , when they raise an issue , it 's either for a , a personal ego trip , or they 're just paying lip service .
3 I I du n no I I I ca n't work out cos all of Dan 's girlfriends yeah Amber , Sonia and Honey most people have all said I do n't think she 's right for Dan and you know I ca n't I ca n't work out whether they actually think that or they 're just sort of saying that because he does n't talk to them as much or something , I do n't know .
4 I mean either that or they 're right up to your backside , you know , and I mean
5 or they 're so serious about it that they 'll probably be watching everything , you know , just to sort of make sure that they know everything about
6 They 're too small or they 're too big .
7 They 're too thin or they 're too thick .
8 Or do you wan na lose the ground missiles again or they 're actually they do n't go very fast they 've got warheads on them .
9 Either they want to conceal the real cause of death or they 're still alive . ’
10 It may be that they have just had their operation or they are just about to have it . ’
11 Mostly they 're haphazard so that you do n't hear anything for months at a stretch , or they 're impersonal , or the responses are not followed-up and developed , or they are stupefyingly dull .
12 This probably indicates one of two things : Continental Europeans are more particular about the state of their shirts , or they are less particular about the claims of the manufacturers .
13 One thing was almost certain — either the top club honours were split , or they were both with East .
14 this there , or they were there
15 Even if neither we nor they were quite clued up enough to realise that Jethro Tull was a group and not the inventor of the seed drill !
16 The abyss between us and them is even greater , whether or not they are ‘ on our side ’ .
17 ‘ Thinking of Miss Henrietta 's children , sir , and them being soon perhaps in want of a true mother . ’
18 Because any If okay the odd couple of neutrons did get through , they 'd split up an atom , three more neutrons come out and they 're immediately absorbed by the control rods .
19 I do n't know enough actuarial work to be able to and what settlements they should receive , but our own experience is that it 's hard enough to round up pensioners to form an association and we embody deferred pensioners and they 're even harder .
20 And they 're keenly priced , too , at £849 and £999 respectively .
21 Pick the details you want included and they 're automatically inserted in your document , along with the mailmerge codes .
22 The other problem we 've got , and I will call it a problem , is the relationship to beat with , with the sections and elections to regional councils , in the union , where there 's not enough people or just barely enough people to stand for a section and they 're automatically elected .
23 The same for rehearsals — I think we 've all been there and discovered the dos and don'ts , and they 're pretty obvious anyway .
24 To improve the quality of our work , these are erm , when I say though the current position is the technical quality is variable , these this assessment comes from internal reviews which are carried out and we have annual quality control reviews in all parts of the of the practice and the answers that have been come back coming back from those quality control reviews have and they 're pretty strict reviews it seems , strictly in accordance with the book , strictly in accordance with all the reg rules and regulations and , so if one has deviated from those and it 's hardly surprising how very high standards B S five seven five O would have , be quite easy to obtain in most of our practice areas , so it 's hardly surprising that there will be occasions when we do n't actually er come up with ten out of ten on a on an assignment .
25 It 's in a way like a bereavement in as far its the middle of the afternoon and everything is going well , then suddenly everything 's changed and they 're pretty devastated and do n't know how they ought to react .
26 public servant and they 're pretty well prot protected erm John 's firm is simply doing extremely well in spite of the recession .
27 They are a I mean , quite honestly these courses are these things erm they 're not gon na do them you know , they 're not just sort of fairy things you 've got quite a bit of erm thinking to do and and so on and they 're pretty exhausting !
28 We 've made them lighter and they 're easily absorbed .
29 I know they wish us well , and they 're both wise and reasonable people , they 're tactful — but naturally they 're inquisitive , they want to know what 's happening , and make judgments on it all — ’
30 They both have advantages and they 're both vulnerable to the cosmic short straw .
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