Example sentences of "[coord] not [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although they had been unable so far to be sure whether or not either neutrons or gamma rays were being emitted from the cell , if fusion was indeed occurring then there should be evidence within the cathode — helium or tritium should be present , though in very small quantities .
2 Merger can be applied for when the freehold and leasehold estates become vested in the same person , whether or not both titles are registered .
3 There 's a lot of conservatism in the vocal world here , and they sometimes come to performances to compare if it 's louder or softer ; I like big voices and I 'm trying to collect every rich voice I can , does n't matter if it 's in Novosibirsk where we heard Gorchakova , but what I 'm saying is that it has to be a complex , not just a voice and something else , or not just actor and a bit of voice . ’
4 Subject : Majestic or not so Leeds
5 Er apparently there 's a story about Napoleon and not tonight Josephine stuff .
6 And not even Willie Nelson 's charmingly languid ‘ Blue Hawaii ’ , Jeff Beck 's weird instrumental ‘ Hound Dog ’ or John Mellencamp 's Tom Waits-esque take on ‘ Jailhouse Rock ’ could avoid the final horror — me doing ‘ Ca n't Help Falling In Love ’ .
7 Saxe-Weimar 's men were mostly German troops in Dutch service who had fought for Napoleon in the previous wars , and not even Saxe-Weimar himself was certain whether they would now fight against their old comrades .
8 ‘ Where Do You Go To My Lovely ? ’ is , in its original by Peter Sarstedt , one of my least favourite songs ever , and not even Welfare Heroine 's best efforts can redeem it .
9 Botha converted , and not even Tony Underwood 's marvellous late try could rescue a game which left everyone breathless .
10 Not Seb Coe , not Steve Ovett and not even Harold Abrahams from Chariots of Fire .
11 The thrusting diversity of American capitalist railway operations , which had been its great strength in the nineteenth century , had become its greatest weakness in the twentieth , and not even Amtrak could entirely arrest that decline .
12 No contemporary , except Gloucester himself in his letter to York , mentions a revival of Woodville opposition , and not even Gloucester links it with Hastings .
13 No contemporary , except Gloucester himself in his letter to York , mentions a revival of Woodville opposition , and not even Gloucester links it with Hastings .
14 And not even Glen Hoddle 's magic touch could save the day .
15 Ministerial trilateral meetings were inaugurated in order to discuss current government business , and not just litigation as had tended to be the case previously .
16 By extension , then , conservation practices left undone , legislation remaining unheeded , projects that only serve to keep research officers in salary and which never leave the experimental station ( those things not done ) are also political acts and not just omissions , or non-events which do not need explaining .
17 Although there is an abundance of pre-digitised art commercially available , it is far better to produce your own pictures which are directly relevant to the text and not just illustrations .
18 To arrive at this viewpoint Miliband argued that society was stratified by a number of elites — social , economy ( including managers and not just owners ) , bureaucratic and political — each of which had its own basis of power .
19 And not just cheesecake : Staley 's fat substitute could revolutionise the world diet food market .
20 The focus on large firms ( and not just textile ones ) is designed to discover clues about how the whole region responded to the threat of industrial decline .
21 Erm and not just shoes .
22 ( Such concepts are relevant to the use of all renewable resources and not just forests . )
23 teams made up of managers from a variety of disciplines , and not just mathematics .
24 A word about Corman is necessary here because he became an important link in the Nicholson story ; and not just Nicholson 's either .
25 And not just Europeans ?
26 The attractor X has the properties that it is invariant under the flow and can not be decomposed into non-overlapping invariant pieces : any motion on the attractor is confined to the attractor , and not just part of the attractor .
27 For example , in Syllabus B we had to study the whole of Beowulf , and not just part of it .
28 The washing of gains by death by concession is to be extended to interests in possession and not just life interests in possession .
29 There was a time when she could remember thinking it was a very nice room and that she was lucky to have a carpet on the floor and not just lino .
30 In the case of Japan , writers such as Fox ( 1980 ) stress that long-term planning based on market research has been vital in those areas where innovation , and not just importation , of technology has occurred in Japan , such as the consumer electronics industry .
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