Example sentences of "[coord] he might be " in BNC.

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1 Or he might be handed a file and a tiny silver tool with which to clean her toenails while she dozed in a chair .
2 Graham Taylor is hoping that Santa wo n't give away any goals to England 's World Cup opponents — or he might be given the sack .
3 I had decided that I had to face up to the fact that John might not come back or he might be gone for a long time and that when he did come back we might not love one another .
4 He might be in or he might be out .
5 Then you had to sit there and the sergeant would say , ‘ Fall in , ’ and you 'd fall into line , ‘ Section correct , sir , ’ and he might be another ten minutes before he decided to say , ‘ Dismiss ! ’ and by then you 'd lost an hour .
6 He was cut out of it completely and he might be prepared to talk . ’
7 And he might be the only surviving link we have to the Project .
8 Implexion realised the argument could become ugly and he might be provoked into making remarks he 'd regret .
9 Oh , I know that he would never have touched anything in the least underhand , but he is a director of the company , and he might be held responsible for things that were done without his knowledge .
10 Looked a sensible , down-to-earth type to me , and he might be a corrective to what we 've just been hearing .
11 He 'll be back and he might be back at working men 's prices .
12 For example , he may want to see whether the chief constable has been making use of civilian resources as well as he should , and he might be saying to the inspectorate of constabulary , ’ If you can demonstrate a better use of money and resources through civilianisation , that might have a bearing on the availability of uniformed police officers . ’
13 If only John Postlethwaite would go away things could return to normal and he might be able to get some money as a special case in view of the emergency and the delicate state of politics .
14 He might be legitimising Goldsmiths ' current practice ( in which , ironically , women are very active participants ) and he might be pandering to a new Europeanisation … but the notion that Arte povera , in this limited manifestation , is ‘ representative of a crucial revolutionary moment — even of the last possible revolutionary moment ’ is a load of cobblers .
15 He would not treat them as sources of law past that point , but his general responsibility when he believes that law has run out is to make the best new law he can for the future , and he might be concerned with past legal doctrine for special reasons bearing on that issue .
16 Er er er you know if there was a bad storm somebody would oh you better stay here today too again and he might be there three or four days .
17 And he might be doing guard duty .
18 He had a feeling there would be something complicated about a safety catch , but he might be able to work it out .
19 ‘ It 's too small for any of us , but he might be able to get out and have a go at the door from the other side . ’
20 But he might be right about this .
21 Cahervillahow ran no race in the Gold Cup but he might be turned on by the National as was the case with Attitude Adjuster who was also trained by Mouse Morris .
22 but he might be closing down because
23 but he might be getting a job felting roofs , putting roofs and and
24 No it 's just tha he wo n't be but he might be doing light jobs like say putting , putting up pictures in about two months er er
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