Example sentences of "[coord] not in a " in BNC.

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1 This motivation arises from the individual 's choice to participate or not in an activity .
2 You may need to stand behind the patient at first , to encourage him to move correctly and not in a ‘ dot and carry , pattern .
3 In Gandhi 's view , the statement ‘ son of God ’ could only be used in a figurative sense and not in a literal sense so that anyone ‘ who stands in the position of Jesus is a begotten son of God ’ .
4 I 'm not criticising guitar players — after all , I 'm one myself and not in a position to be judgmental .
5 First it threatens the principle of documentary examination , which requires that banks , meaning both the confirming and the issuing bank , verify the tender of the seller 's document in a unitary , and not in a truncated or segmented , fashion .
6 And I think this social position is more apparent to the informant and the variation in role relations more marked than if the interviewer is an outsider and not in a particular relation to the speakers from the outset .
7 Johnson had travelled hopefully and was about to arrive : the following day he would leave the comparative comfort he had hitherto enjoyed , and head into the wilds , and not in a coach but on horseback .
8 Venicoff it was held that when the Secretary of State was deporting a person where he deemed it to be conducive to the public good , he was acting in an executive and not in a judicial capacity .
9 He again ended with a girl , a different one this time and not in a boat .
10 The linguistic model is , on the whole , used here in a very general and metaphorical sense , and not in a literal and detailed one .
11 This is a course of man made permanent jumps and they are spread out and not in a ring .
12 And not in a million quintillion millenia is she anything like me . ’
13 I believe that real democracy is allowing voters to decide in a general election and not in a referendum , which is a totally different thing , and one that is alien to my concept of democracy .
14 So that that Association can actually employ erm the Yorkshire and Humberside area in an intelligent way and not in a divided way .
15 The strings here play a melodic line including the major 3rd of E7 ( G£ ) , while the bass gets away with a low G natural ( as it is only a sixteenth note long and not in an exposed position ! ) .
16 Customers arrive as a result of their own decisions , and not in an order dictated by the travel agent or bank .
17 I was so pleased with this neat and simple control that we have employed it for several other of the key steps in the cascade — finding , for instance , that the increase in dendritic spines occurs only in a remembering and not in an amnesic group .
18 He spoke privately with the auctioneers and agreed to buy the Scania ( i.e. he agreed by private treaty and not in an auction ) .
19 But not in a hundred .
20 Eels come into it somehow , but not in a way that can be described in a family newspaper .
21 By then the product will have reverted to being a reasonable business again — but not in a glamorous way as in the first phase .
22 They should help small farmers , but not in a way that discourages them from getting larger or farming better : there must be no farming poverty trap .
23 Such trust , say the courts , is inherent in an equity but not in a debt security , which is governed by contractual relationships , leaving no fiduciary trust to be broken .
24 I 'd want to see you often , but not in a special way .
25 But not in a realist sort of way .
26 Elaine Moss 's daughter , Alison , fell in love with a little picture-book that one might find among the painting-books and the ‘ join-the-dots ’ books in a newsagents , but not in a ‘ proper ’ bookshop .
27 They have the advantage of being easy to carry around , and with care can be used anywhere — in bed , on a beach and so on ( but not in a meeting with a client ) .
28 The English mystics , like their European contemporaries , did foreshadow these changes , but not in a way that people who are familiar with more well-known fourteenth century English literature might expect .
29 But not in a hurry about it , Billy said to himself .
30 ‘ She was outspoken in the sense that she did n't lack confidence , but not in a pushy way , ’ he says .
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