Example sentences of "[coord] he [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 He was leaving behind the other children , the only friends he had , and he realized at that moment how lonely he was in the world .
2 He has little sympathy for the Arab nationalism that destroyed the Jews of Baghdad and the Christian Assyrians , and he quotes at length from Stephen Bloom 's ‘ almost lyrical ’ account of a Romanian childhood where Germans , Slovaks , Russians , Greeks , Turks , Armenians and Jews provided harmonious diversity .
3 He took their biggest manual model , and he tipped at both ends , the ideal customer .
4 She gave a small , harsh laugh and he glowered at her .
5 His eyes opened and he glowered at her , despairing .
6 Scale and repetition are integral to the thirty-four painting-size prints in his ten-year survey : the smallest is three by five feet , and he presents at least three different images of the same subject together .
7 And he had at his disposal almost an embarrassment rather than a shortage of political experience .
8 He 's had three winners in four days , and he had at Fakenham yesterday , at fifteen to eight , so not too bad a day for again yesterday .
9 Michael 's idol was Buster Keaton , and he had at the time studied Keaton more than I had , and said that he had never used a double .
10 And he smiles at everyone .
11 The orange light flared and he jabbed at it .
12 Sunday 's the only day off and he wakes at 4:30 most mornings …
13 Lissa jumped , shocked to the core , and he scowled at her darkly .
14 She did n't seem surprised to see him sitting there still in his cloak and obviously only just returned from Mass , and he knew at once that she had been told about the murders .
15 Now that he knew where he was the details of the room became familiar , and he knew at once what had wakened him , and strained his ears to hear it again .
16 The Robemaker turned his head and Nuadu felt a sudden white piercing pain deep inside his mind and he knew at once that the Robemaker had made use of the ancient , forbidden Stroicim Inchinn again and that he had pierced into his secret thoughts .
17 Guilty or innocent , it did not matter ; he wanted her back , and he knew at last that , whatever he had felt for Angela Deverill , it was not this .
18 And he glanced at Graham as he pushed copies of the two London evening papers across the desk .
19 She did n't reply for a moment , and he glanced at her anxiously .
20 She said it too quickly and he glanced at her .
21 Anton , his rolling bobbing head , in and out : and his mouth was ghastly , streaming blood and he bit at random , where he could : a cannibal feast , and there seemed no end to Parker , elephant big , but soft and white and easy to bleed , full of smells ; he could , heightened senses , whiff the slightest reek , the ebb and flow , as might a jackal , the strength drawn out of Parker .
22 His salacious grin faltered then disappeared and he glared at her , furious with himself for being tricked so easily .
23 She passed Jack in the corridor and he winked at her .
24 And he laughs at the idea that the Prince of Darkness will now become King of the Castle .
25 Catherine Crane looked at — him carefully , and he grinned at her .
26 His face was covered in dirt and he grinned at us in a rather frightened way .
27 JoJo frowned at them both through little squinting eyes , then his face broke out into a toothless smile and he grinned at them .
28 He was born in South Africa and he studied at the universities of Cape Town and Cambridge , and has taught in universities in Britain , in America , in West Africa and France and Germany .
29 The door was slammed wide , and he came at her with the speed of the vehicle that should have killed him two nights before .
30 And he came at half past seven and he cleaned it and he looked at it , and he said er it was n't anything that he could see , he thinks it was just down draught , but we 've had winds before .
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