Example sentences of "[coord] i [verb] she " in BNC.

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1 Figure 5 Diary record of behaviour sequences Source : M. Herbert , Working with Children and their Families ( London : Routledge/British Psychological Society , 1988 ) or I ask her to do something and she ignores me or says , ‘ I wo n't ! ’ .
2 ‘ I keep in touch with both my sisters and my brother 's wife — she rings me every week or I ring her : And my niece and nephew — well , life would n't be worth living without them .
3 She was strangled all right , or I suppose she was .
4 She stood for a moment on the other side of the room , sizing me up ( and me sizing her up ) , and then she came over to speak to me .
5 There she was lying on the floor with Bonfire of the Vanities under her head and me giving her a gentle kneading — spelt with a ‘ k ’ dear — and we were getting quite absorbed when all of a sudden the door flew open and in he came .
6 Gail sometimes does my hair but she 's a learner and I get her more cheaply .
7 I get her head and you know Beetlejuice when he goes I got ta show you it cos sometimes she 's , she 's not alert and when she 's like that it looks wicked cos he goes and her ears are like that she goes and I get her to play the banjo and she goes it 's wicked !
8 But when I see Mama and I tell her , she wo n't mind . ’
9 We have a friendly hug and I tell her I was laying three places anyway .
10 Rachel kneels behind me whispering in my ear , ‘ You never told me about Jancey ’ and I tell her she 's just the woman next door and Rachel says , ‘ Oh yeah ? ’ and I push her onto her back and sit astride her in the dark .
11 She 's a clumsy clogs that 's why I wo n't let her walk around with the baby if she wants to cuddle her I tell her to sit down and I tell her not to move well she 's always tripping over her feet .
12 Besides , she 's got a good husband and I hope she 'll be very happy with him .
13 But I did know the Alice Liddell — who better ? — and I remember her well .
14 And I remember her very well and the next class we went into was a a Mr .
15 erm she was hefty though and her sister Ann used to be enormous years ago this is , and erm she went on a , a diet , I do n't know what , how , how she lost the weight but she did and I , I had n't seen her for some years and I remember her coming to the factory this day , and she came in and she , she used to do er her flower shop , she used to do flower arrangements and the girls at work would order them you know ?
16 We would visit her on occasions and I remember she had a rather splendid grandfather clock .
17 I know of my hon. Friend 's deep interest in the affairs of the Province and I thank her for it .
18 I am not a prude but I know Barbara Bush and I like her . ’
19 and actually she 's excellent and I like her not like working for a female boss good people er
20 There 's a girl my elder brother wants to marry , and my family want it , too , but she likes me better , and I like her , and her parents wo n't force her .
21 So I came out with my speech about this weirdo , nothing in it et cetera et cetera , and then the money ran out and I got her to ring me back and I said it all over again ( nothing in it … ) and she hooted and said , ‘ I 'll bet .
22 And I got her two strips of Elastaplast .
23 And I got her a box of Black Magic so that 's her birthday present sorted out so she can eat and drink then ca n't she !
24 So if a child gets spoken to in a fairly direct way by imagine a female child by her father and the same female child gets spoken to in a not so direct way be her mother , then even of this The child is likely to both version , she 'll grow up using female variety because she 's she can affiliate herself with her mother and I mean she knows that is the variety she 's expected to use .
25 Wee question , and I mean she 's dependent upon them but she may own
26 And I mean she 's , you 've got room out there to have it if it just stands .
27 And I mean she 's so sort of closed about everything really , I mean he 's not the sort of you know
28 on their own back , she did n't ask for it and June ai n't worked since Christmas , so er , I says I know what it 's like with my sister and I mean she 's been right in it ai n't she ?
29 And I mean she 's a good kid , she is n't a bad kid by any means but er , oh the late nights and er
30 And I noticed she 's brought a lot of work with her .
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