Example sentences of "[coord] it is like " in BNC.

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1 Or it is like the light pictures that enter the eyes lenses and escape into the vastness of the tundra and like ice crystals on the windows , they freeze and become the light flowers that bloom on the endless snow fields .
2 A house of sin you may call it , but not a house of darkness for the candles are never out , and it is like those countries far in the north where it is as clear at mid-night as at mid-day …
3 Every idea that evokes the infinite is a magic wand that freezes the mirror lake , and it is like the climax of passionate love , only more subtle and beautiful .
4 Love is a sort of narcotic in its effect , and it is like drunkenness or the rapture of the deep that sea-divers write about ; but there are many other kinds of love , though not exactly the same but as brilliant and more lasting .
5 ‘ It is the first time in eleven years as a manager that I have not worked with a contract and it is like an air of freedom . ’
6 and it is like a prayer
7 But it is like the first scenario in this : both kinds of eroticism are specific to male bonding , both occur within and against the very situations in which heterosexuality is most ardently pursued , and both are in part the consequence of heterosexual ardour .
8 There is an order in these works , but it is like that at the centre of an explosion , and all over their surfaces there is a terrible indifference to everything that is sentient .
9 Naming good species is worth doing , but it is like grammar : a necessary step in the elegant and efficient ordering of ideas , but not in itself real science or literature .
10 The fourth dimension , time , is also finite in extent , but it is like a line with two ends or boundaries , a beginning and an end .
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