Example sentences of "[coord] it could never " in BNC.

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1 Hardly any part of it stood more than waist high now , much was covered in grass or blackthorn bushes , and it could never have been more than a chapel anyway .
2 Snobbery might be innate in their parents ' way of life , but it could never be admitted .
3 Alan ‘ Fluff ’ Freeman said : ‘ It was quite good but it could never be the same — we were like kids with a new toy . ’
4 If the rays of light that form the event horizon , the boundary of the black hole , can never approach each other , the area of the event horizon might stay the same or increase with time but it could never decrease — because that would mean that at least some of the rays of light in the boundary would have to be approaching each other .
5 Cosmetics might conceal the pallor of her skin , but it could never hide the shadows in her eyes .
6 It might result in a variety of a certain species , but it could never result in a completely new species .
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