Example sentences of "[coord] it be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 It may be alarmed the first time a bit is put in its mouth , or saddle is put on its back , or it 's girthed up , or mounted , but this anxiety can be ‘ undone ’ or prevented altogether by making sure that the horse is not hurt and by rewarding the horse at the same time .
2 And here was Margot it 's , it 's been called off , or it 's called off .
3 If the comb is n't level , it may be because you did n't put it in symmetrically , or that the weights are n't positioned symmetrically , or it 's caught on the ribber , or you tied the end of the yarn to the clamp when you started .
4 Patrick landed across a rock , and lucky for him the ride was in to break his fall or it 's crippled he 'd be this minute .
5 The Sawdoctors claim ( or it 's claimed for them ) that they 're the voice of a young , rural Ireland .
6 discretion or it is hoped that pupils would be afforded the opportunity to make their own , if
7 Above and below that size there will be a poor return for effort-either the gain is not worth bothering about , or it is achieved at too great a cost .
8 If they are placed in secondary roles , or it is assumed that women 's identity is to be found in mothering , then the fact of their presence reinforces a certain understanding of the feminine .
9 The redemption of the debenture is either refinanced by another debenture issue or it is repaid from any surplus cash .
10 One reason is that the distinction we have made between productive and consumption property is not always maintained , or it is applied in differing ways .
11 Where liability is admitted , or it is acknowledged that liability is likely to be established , then it may be sensible to try and agree an interim payment because it will probably be possible to secure a lower sum in interim damages than would be awarded by the Court if matters were so to proceed .
12 The old armour is either worn away gradually , as in crocodiles , or it is shed at special times in a complete ‘ coat ’ , as in lizards and snakes .
13 Depending on the evolution of management during the early 1990s , the confusions building up in the Training Authority 's role may need to be unravelled : either it is strengthened as an effective arm of central policy , or it is abolished so that the market — created by itself — can have freer play .
14 However , unless the expert clause says so or it is agreed by the parties before the appointment is made , the expert need have no particular qualifications at all .
15 The offeror will have to depend on publicly-available sources of information and whatever else it can obtain or it is required to be given under the Code ( see para 5.8 below ) .
16 A strict auction is appropriate if there are a considerable number of interested parties or it is known that there are several parties determined to acquire the business .
17 A CLI command file is terminated when the end of the file is reached or it is suspended ( see later ) .
18 If the word is not found then it is said to be misspelled , so either correction is attempted , or it is returned to the user for verification .
19 It is sipped or it is gulped ; sippers and gulpers , that is .
20 They have n't received your invoice or statement because it was n't sent or it was sent to the wrong address .
21 That is the scheme er as as I see it and unless , unless I I thi , unless that is progressed quickly then as I say I am extremely pessimistic and let me just say Chairman the dangers of not going along that line the dangers of the present scheme which was at the last planning committee meeting or or or was it one of the social services committee anyway , where four were chosen or or it was said choose a small number .
22 Either the message was not passed on , or it was ignored which indeed shows the power secretaries wield .
23 In the eighteenth century the scales of justice could be tilted in favour of a relative or friend , or it was feared that this was the case , unless strong interest was made in behalf of a litigant in order to ensure equity .
24 New Scientist began by printing an article that stated that the country had better start acting youthfully or it was doomed to become a developing nation , thus posing the problem of how to become developing from being developed .
25 And I think it would actually need , if it 's going to be taken on board , somebody appointed to look at this , or it be put in somebody 's job brief and I would have thought ideally that it would be placed with the community worker , and I do n't know quite how we 're placed for community workers in East Oxford , but maybe it 's something we could put to that department .
26 He was not dead , but not far off dead — and 't was said he 'd never be the same again .
27 And it be removed as a criterion .
28 ‘ There 's a strong seam of black humour running through the Northern Irish people and it 's ignored . ’
29 The words of the Fourth Commandment are uncompromising and it 's assumed that so also are those who believe in keeping the Sabbath .
30 ‘ It started off with the helmet law and it 's progressed from there , ’ he said .
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