Example sentences of "[coord] i think our " in BNC.

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1 We talked about her for a long time , and I think our Chairman was impressed .
2 And I think our own erm tenants ' group here , is a good example of that .
3 I I feel in the early days the the social contract was n't particularly well known and I think our party initially felt that these things were better handled not though a proper set protocol in the Maastricht treaty .
4 And I think our wages were about twelve and six a week and then it went to fifteen shillings a week .
5 I mean , the the Tories are ready , should n't they complete to environmental issues , whereas every every public consultation or survey that ever carried out , demonstrates every time , that the public are very concerned that they 're , of the environment and they will put it at the top of the list , and I think our con the environment by having a dedicated Environment Officer proves our positive er commitment to the environment .
6 Very briefly Chair , to say I think nothing 's perfect , as I said , I mean there are areas that still need to be improved , and I think our , the image and in a sense our marketing section does need to be improved , and I think no-one would deny that .
7 I heard him here and I think our people was well impressed in some respect .
8 And I think our John looks like me Uncle Bill .
9 I actually asked prospective farmers what they thought about certain issues , because I think the Leicestershire county council er and our department are probably some of the best farmers landlords there are in the country and I think our tenant farmers know that in actual fact I asked the question to several of the members er er the potential er clients erm , what do you think about foxes .
10 Going on again on the tenant farmers , I actually think that er we are very good landlords and I think our our our tenants would rather us keep us as landlords than the private sector , in actual fact we will have no doubt a debate quite soon on that issue when the government makes us sell off all areas of of er th our interests and that one , I will tell you this , I think that some of the members all sides of the fence every side of the fence , have been passionately behind the tenants , if if they 're gon na be sold off by now they 'd have been sold off , but I think it wo n't be far long before we have to take education first , social services first , the elderly before er your side with your government to come forward and say to us we do n't want you interfering with anything like that and being bold business , get rid of , but that 's another debate that will come up later on .
11 Monsieur Mitterand has already said that he 's going to seek to drive a harder bargain with Britain over fishing limits even than President Giscard was trying to do , and I think our negotiators must expect a rather tough time as far as fisheries are concerned .
12 ‘ The Australian market has collapsed , but I think our market share has increased dramatically .
13 JANE Gordon 's warning to US voters about election ploys was right but I think our politicians are more devious .
14 But I think our balance happens to be a very good one .
15 But I think our arrangement is democratic . ’
16 ‘ Terry 's all right , ’ Anne told Sarah , ‘ but I think our Joe feels being away more because he 'd just got used to being at home .
17 ‘ Hill Street are a good side , but I think our name is on the trophy , ’ he says .
18 ‘ I 'm not absolutely sure , but I think our suggestion of counselling came far too late .
19 Erm , now it did cross my mind , that it would be nice just to see it and have a talk and a demonstration , but I think our meetings are too big really for that sort of demonstration , I wonder if we could have it at the handicraft afternoon .
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