Example sentences of "[coord] i have not " in BNC.

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1 There is no biographical key with which it can be unlocked — and I have not been trying to turn one in this essay of mine , which does not believe it , for that matter , to be locked .
2 and I have not thought of
3 and I have not been rebellious …
4 Roy Pointer : ‘ I have been asking for over ten years that there needs to be some bold plans , mission strategy , developed within the denominations and I have not been aware of any until now .
5 and I have not been rebellious ;
6 And I have not ruled out being available for possible British Lions selection .
7 And I have not , and I would n't want to unless she was in such a condition , can you manage to sit there like that for a moment while I 'll manage to go and get a pad ?
8 I did it for a bet — with one of my uncles , his side being that I would n't stick to anything — and because it seemed as good a way as any of getting away from home , but I was not uninterested and I have not forgotten my subject . ’
9 At first Minton felt he was too involved with things to get away : ‘ As for Dimbulb Verrico , ’ he told Hunt , ‘ he has taken out a licence to marry his motorbicycle , and I have not seen him since you left …
10 Or he has written and I have not received it .
11 BELVILLE : I know , my dear , I left you in great anxiety but 't is an anxiety you have brought upon yourself , and I have not been easy ever since I parted from you .
12 Deep in my heart there was still hope that one day I would receive a letter saying , ‘ I am alive and I have not forgotten you . ’
13 ‘ And how , my interfering little sister , can you be so sure that Caroline and I have not already ‘ got together ’ ? ’
14 ‘ My wife bought me a small kit to try out using wool — which is rather like painting by numbers — and I have not looked back since . ’
15 At least I know something about such problems ; they were my original reason for opposing the scheme , and I have not changed my mind in the slightest .
16 I studied mathematics for some years at school and I have not totally forgotten all of them .
17 In the past I have co-ordinated some very successful projects with various authorities and funding bodies , and I have not had any trouble .
18 In the past I have co-ordinated some very successful projects with various authorities and funding bodies , and I have not had any trouble .
19 I propose to think over the situation of the Government generally during the week-end and I have not yet made any definite decisions as to possible changes of Ministers .
20 I erm like most people in this institution believe in science and think I am a scientist and I have not time or room for such qualitative judgments .
21 ‘ It will just be my family and me there , and I have not really told that many people about it . ’
22 If I want to talk personally with my father about something and am admitted to him , he talks for an hour about something or other and then the time of the talk is over and I have not been able to say what I had wanted to say .
23 Some manufacturers supply larger handles with larger tools , but I have not found any discomfort with this aspect of the design .
24 ( Chinese and Japanese mustards are also said to be strong , but I have not tried them . )
25 But I have not said I will not come !
26 ‘ It seems I 've helped you assimilate certain somatic adjustments , but I have not increased your intelligence . ’
27 I usually bump into him every so often on the stairs , in one of the upstairs rooms or in the garden , but I have not seen him in some time .
28 They give me hope — but I have not much .
29 I phoned your office on 6 April and left a message asking you or your colleagues to let me know the position but I have not heard to date .
30 Other seed baits I have used successfully on the Severn are tares and maple peas , but I have not used the latter two very often and do not yet know if they are going to be consistently successful .
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