Example sentences of "[coord] i think many " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I am not representing CND , I am not representing the Vatican , I am representing Tottenham and I think many other people as well . ’
2 the evidence that we 've found out already from C H C is that the operation of the N H S reforms has restrictive patient choice because crucially those referrals to London teaching hospitals which used to made as a matter of course if treatment is unable er , unavailable in Harlow have actually been largely stopped , I got the detailed figures from the purchasing director erm er , recently in the C F C minutes and it shows a miniscule number of patients being referred to London teaching hospitals erm , and this is clearly the reason as this points out in this paper that London teaching hospitals are in serious financial problems and four of them , indeed are being threatened with closure by the Tomlinson report and I think many patients in Harlow would much rather as er , people have pointed out , go to er , Middlesex and U C H , should they still exist than to go to Colchester and er , but this is this a key question , so on the the basis of the this consortium does n't meet those criticisms indeed , make the situation worse I move that we oppose it in principle that Vince reports on that line .
3 Erm , one of the things that depresses me , is probably the main thing that depresses me is not being valued for what I am or what I do and I think many women suffer from depression because their strengths and their creativity are not recognised and valued .
4 At that time I was strongly in favour of sanctions , and I supported the dispatch of American troops to Saudi Arabia , according to Bush , to deter an attack on that country ; though I would not myself have acceded to an American request to put British ground troops there , and I think many people in the Ministry of Defence argued strongly against that .
5 Now I I 'm we 're not here to argue whether that 's a good thing or a bad thing , erm but nonetheless parents were , if you like , an attempt was being made to con them into voting on that particular issue under the guise of whether their children 's education would be better or worse , and I think many parents realized that .
6 I think it can work that way , but I think many of us have a horror of a future picture of thirty kids sitting at thirty terminals , you know , pressing keys without any personal interaction with the teacher or with each other .
7 Some people reduce it to a sort of nine to five or a nine to six type job , but I think many of us feel it 's so totally open-ended we 're never quite sure when we ought to start and we 're never quite sure when we ought to finish .
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