Example sentences of "[coord] it [was/were] more " in BNC.

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1 Popular recreation was more ‘ rational ’ in a bureaucratic sense and it was more respectable than before , but its pleasures remained deeply traditional : drinking and betting , chaffing your mates and cheering on the standard-bearers of your real or adopted territory .
2 Wilson went and it was more the going that helped her than the services themselves .
3 That remains his only fall , and it was more a case of a slip one stride after landing than a regulation fall .
4 Reid the player took no active part in City 's biggest win of the season — it was also Leeds ' biggest defeat — and it was more than coincidental that McMahon , his recent recruit from Liverpool , produced possibly his most influential performance since that £900,000 transfer .
5 When questioned about the tobacco box , Day admitted that he had regularly , and recently , poached and snared in Duncan Woods , and it was more than probably that he had dropped it then .
6 But last night a boat brought news of a raid on Coll , and it was more than he could bear ! ’
7 Food was unlikely to provide exactly the right nucleic acids ready-made , and it was more likely that they were being built up from their components .
8 Despite the cold , the atmosphere in the carriage was very stuffy , and it was more interesting to stand out here , even if people were pressing against the windows and sitting about on boxes and suitcases .
9 ‘ You look twenty years younger since you 've lost that weight , ’ — and it was more than one that said it too !
10 But he was never mentioned and it was more than her life was worth to ask .
11 They talked freely together about everything , about her sad life , her worries , her bad health , about how foul the world was , and it was more illuminating than plenty of conversations he had had with educated folk .
12 Only one of them , the Labyrinth at Knossos , was restored and repaired so that it could continue to use after 1470 , and it was more or less completely abandoned some ninety years later after a major fire .
13 However , we spotted its calf frisking among the trees and it was more elusive .
14 The prospering of Unionism had less to do with the war than is generally assumed , and it was more healthy in 1914 and less certain of prosperity in 1922 .
15 She said that she chose to write with other people when she wanted to write a story , because other people helped to think of more ideas , and it was more fun .
16 She was tempted to ignore any suggestion that he made , but the orange flames that flickered in the grate looked invitingly warm , and it was more than she could do to stay away .
17 The knocking was repeated yet again , and it was more insistent now .
18 He was speaking Norse , and it was more than insulting .
19 And it was more than just the light reflected from their balding , silvery heads .
20 And it was more like shadowing me .
21 ‘ I felt I could do that with you , but it was more difficult with her — partly because she was about the same age as me probably . ’
22 But it was more than these to those in the quarrel .
23 Sitting down between two piles of books Endill began to read Useful Tips on Flying , but it was more about what to do when you had a plane rather than how to make one .
24 But it was more customary for the copyist to reduce the proportions , turning diadumenoi into ephebes to please the client 's personal tastes and fit well into the dining-room .
25 A lot of these same people would become suedeheads though — but it was more a matter of two styles merging .
26 ‘ It kind of was , but it was more that he was forced into that position .
27 I could not see exactly what was in them but it was more than curiosity .
28 ‘ We were taken to see one other Home , it was quite nice but it was more claustrophobic — each room was like a little closed unit . ’
29 But it was more than a growl .
30 But it was more than that .
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