Example sentences of "[coord] tell [pers pn] to " in BNC.

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1 And with that he bent over and lifted me to my feet and told me to be off , which I did not need to be told twice to do .
2 Barium was forced down her with only minimal explanation , and when I protested the radiologist swore and told me to ‘ mind my place ’ while the assisting radiographer quickly looked away .
3 It was a costly venture , of course , since Tonga is a very great distance from almost everywhere ; but a glossy journal owned by an extremely wealthy New Yorker thought that a visit to ‘ The Island Where Time Starts ’ could make an agreeable tale , therefore handed me a sheaf of air tickets and a small sum in hard currency and told me to be on my way .
4 I accepted Benjamin 's words but , when I questioned him on why I should wear it , he just smiled , waved a bony hand and told me to be patient .
5 Sophie relayed the information to Mr Miller , who shrugged irritably and told her to be as quick as possible , but the traffic was heavy as she drove out of the town and all the time she was praying that the cat 's leg would not be really broken .
6 They managed to see Maeda who dropped hints and told them to be circumspect .
7 Comfort gave Jackson French her address and told him to be sure to call her when he got to London .
8 Needless to say I got a little excited and told him to quietly shut the engine down and if he wanted to wash the coveralls tonight in gasoline to go about a hundred and fifty yards over there .
9 He can make you believe you are the only woman on earth for him , and only a Frenchman out of all the men in the world could look at me and tell me to my face that I am beautiful .
10 No it 's to much of a , I hate saying I 'll go out at eight o'clock and tell him to be home and at quarter too eight he has n't come and oh , I 'm to tired really , but , so I 've always played it that I will help when I when I can , but uhum , I do n't go on the committee , cos then your stuck , you 've got to go .
11 And she used to make up these stories and tell them to me .
12 Quality control actually formally takes the results back to the production process people , and tells them to , to adjust the process .
13 Quick as lightning , someone outside makes a quip about my bed and Jancey , and she grins and tells them to be serious and asks , do n't they think of anything but sex ?
14 I was just wondering , having reached my seat , whether I could whip back and tell him to belt it out a bit , when it stopped altogether .
15 So if you want to get rid of somebody you can go and tell them to peu de doci which means getting lost .
16 If some little luxury is not available , do not replace it with something else , but tell them to be brave and suffer , like Christ Himself .
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