Example sentences of "[coord] may be [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 They may have no religious beliefs , or may be looking for a much simpler ceremony .
2 The ever loyal Daily Telegraph would come closest to paralleling the Conservative Party though even here its organizational links with the party are weak and may be getting even weaker as a result of its new Canadian ownership .
3 There is however now some evidence that Select Committees would like to interest themselves in the Committee system and may be seeking to erode the present convention .
4 But , in fact , it does n't seem to be doing much harm and may be filling a niche that , in the absence of European mink in these islands , was lying empty .
5 The proper scientist sees reality through a glass darkly — and believeth all facts , heareth all facts and seeth all facts , but still has to reckon with the fact that he is part of the experiment and may be seeing the reflection of his own opinions .
6 So they copied the things that the men could , they could see themselves and may be using .
7 ‘ Of course they still have time and may be using that to prepare their case . ’
8 The vendors may not be entirely price motivated and may be looking for reassurance from the purchaser as to , for example , the compatibility of management styles , career development opportunities for senior staff and job security for the workforce .
9 Donna , who is 5ft 3in tall with short black hair and glasses , was on crutches at the time and may be limping .
10 We want the children to have a good time , and may be encouraging them to shout , but this then creates problems if some order needs to be restored because the children are too wound up .
11 If it has happened in the past , it can happen in the future , and may be occurring now for all we know .
12 It helped with how it was presented and may be cutting down on what was presented .
13 Beijing , on the other hand , has failed to make clear whether it is really willing to negotiate and may be waiting for the deadline to be dropped before making a move .
14 However , many older homes do not have the benefit of even ‘ accidental ’ air flow through roof spaces , and may be starting to suffer problems as a result .
15 They at least are aware of the potential of relationships between the different levels and may be forging some co-operative links between them .
16 This would be a good point to stop and remind yourself of the kinds of situations and issues which have caused you conflict in the past and may be doing so at present .
17 It is when we reach the realm of ‘ abnormal deviance ’ that the teacher 's problematic really emerges , for here pupils are not only deviating from the ‘ good pupil ’ role , but may be denying or over-exaggerating their gender image as well .
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