Example sentences of "[coord] have [vb pp] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 If you have not been contact with someone for some time and do not have a directory which is updated frequently , a quick phone call tell you whether your contact is still there or has moved on .
2 So far the process of grief that has been outlined is how people might react to the loss of someone they love , whether that person has died or has gone out of their life for good .
3 If she followed me , it 's because she does n't trust me , and if she does n't trust me it 's because she knows something , or has found out something .
4 Neither the debtor himself nor a creditor can present a petition unless the debtor is domiciled in England and Wales ; is personally present in England and Wales on the day on which the petition is presented ; or at any time in the previous three years has been ordinarily resident , has had a place of residence , or has carried on business in England and Wales ( s 265(1) ) .
5 Control children who were found to have died or to have moved out of the study area before their matched case had cancer diagnosed were replaced .
6 It is true that in peacetime a large proportion of these ships were normally laid up and had their crews paid off : only when war was imminent or had broken out were they brought back into service .
7 Trees had carelessly let go great branches or had toppled down entirely , throwing their roots up into the air .
8 A number of respondents had either never heard of the ATB or had found out about it by accident .
9 McQuaid had either struck true by pure chance or had picked up reliable gossip at the Mohill Fair .
10 On this basis , art treasures which have been misplaced , lost or have ended up in private collections should either be returned or covered by compensation from the guilty party ’ .
11 Toshiba Corp has been showing off the robotics work it is engaged on at its research centre , where it has a number of projects that are or have grown out of government-sponsored projects : it is developing eyes 2mm to 3mm in diameter for a micromachine for use in inspecting pipes in nuclear power stations , and also a software-controlled self-mobile robot for use in space where not all astronauts can be expected to be robot experts .
12 So often the right tool for the job is hanging in the tool shed at home when you are helping a friend in his house , or have broken down in the car away from home .
13 The counselling process starts with the troubled emotional lives of individuals , whose feelings of worthlessness , inadequacy , fear or vulnerability have affected their lives in serious and possibly damaging ways , and whose relationships with other important people have become difficult , unbearable or have broken down .
14 This method is also ideal if you have to reknit a neckband or have sewn up the second shoulder in error .
15 Trees in which birds have nested and which provide shade for cattle are also avoided , and trees that are unattractive or have fallen down by themselves are likewise unsuitable for icon making .
16 Alex Goldfarb , executive director of the ISF and formerly a biochemist at the Engelhardt Institute in Moscow , sees the gap between the number of applicants and the number of eligible scientists as a sign that many of his colleagues have left the country for greener pastures in the West or have taken up another occupation .
17 Executive elites have tried to exempt certain policy zones from judicial oversight , or have set up specialized tribunals , committees , and boards , staffed by experts who employ inquisitorial rather than adversarial methods of establishing the truth .
18 His remarks are reinforced by the fact that , according to the DTI 's Overseas Trade Service , more than 2,000 British companies have already established subsidiaries in France or have set up some form of joint venture with French companies .
19 ‘ This is for people who have had a passing interest in Hendrix or have caught up with his music in the advent of the CD age .
20 On top of that , other money from the fund was left untouched and has built up substantial interest .
21 This small but impressive gallery has been a launch pad for many artists over the years and has built up a steady , progressive reputation under the new directorship of Tim Eastop .
22 My dealings with the café owner have left me with the impression that he has got to breaking point with the number of canoeists being attracted to the Fairy Glen and has singled out a canoeist who happens to drive a red Escort van and has used this as an excuse for stopping other canoeists when the real reason goes much deeper and in my opinion is linked to financial gain .
23 Again and again , the European Court has noted the narrowness of the English test for reviewing the merits of official decisions , and has gone on to find a breach of the convention by the UK .
24 Golden Freeze is not well handicapped and has gone up 4lb since finishing second to Joint Sovereignty in the Mackeson .
25 Fear of doors , entrances , gates etc. often occurs when a horse has been ( unwisely ) tied to a gate and has gone off with the gate ! !
26 MY Mont Blanc fountain pen is en panne and has gone in for repairs .
27 He came here just over five years ago , before Hugo was killed , and has stayed on . ’
28 Jomeo is endearingly accident-prone and forever unsuccessful with females ; Gigi , by contrast , is wildly popular with the opposite sex and has made up for her childlessness by becoming a universal aunt to other females ' babies .
29 Coleman is anxious that the entire exercise should be conducted in complete privacy and has mapped out a programme which , he feels , will have a direct bearing on the outcome of the match .
30 In the year and a half he has been at the Lyric he has established himself as something of a ‘ character ’ and has chalked up a number of box office successes .
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