Example sentences of "[coord] have [art] great " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Whether you 've enjoyed quick service in a restaurant or had a great hair-do , giving a cash token lets people know their talents are n't taken for granted . ’
2 From the tone of your report you would seem to suggest that there is cause for celebration here , but surely this railgun has only one purpose , to kill people , or have the great minds of physics and engineering got something more ethical planned ?
3 But how will Lachlan handle a wife that knows what he 's at , and has a great clan of powerful relations at her call if she 's ill done by , then ? ’
4 The whole approach is flexible and has a great strength in the direct link to the highest administrative body .
5 At the crossing , the vault is higher still ( the loftiest Romanesque example in Europe ) and has a great octagonal tower built on squinches .
6 another former manager still living in the area is Mark Lawrenson … he fell out with the Maxwells … he knows the club inside out … and has a great record …
7 another former manager still living in the area is Mark Lawrenson … he fell out with the Maxwells … he knows the club inside out … and has a great record …
8 He is up there and having a great time .
9 Laura 's father Les said : ‘ We are looking forward to getting back and living a normal life and having a great Christmas together as a family . ’
10 I hear , I , I , I think there is a tendency with the County Council but as I discovered as Chairman of Highways that members want to take a greater interest and to have a greater say on the items on the agenda now planning is is not a controversial as , as say highway items , but nevertheless I think there will be times and there will be agendas which will require a great deal of discussion on the individual items and I 'm also a great believer bearing in mind comments if it ai n't broke , do n't bend it .
11 The new king bathes in the fires when he is crowned , passing miraculously unscathed through the inferno before emerging to be clad in ceremonial white and gold coronation robes and to have the great feathered cloak of kingship draped around his shoulders .
12 At a recent meeting with some of my local farmers , I was most encouraged to see that they gave a far higher priority to and had a greater awareness of the need for better marketing .
13 I ATTENDED four of the evening sessions of this year 's Great British Beer Festival and had a great time — my thanks to all those who worked so hard to make it such a success .
14 I was extremely competitive and had a great desire to win .
15 ‘ She was a lovely girl who loved the outdoors and had a great sense of adventure , ’ he said at their home in Hillingdon , Middlesex .
16 She told the boys she had been upstairs reading a book on sex and had a great deal of curiosity .
17 I remember when I was on my own for a couple of years , and had a great time … but then you find yourself slipping into this feeling of being v-e-r-y lonely indeed . ’
18 ‘ We were over the moon and had a great sense of achievement — as if we 'd done something terribly clever , ’ says Susi , who has just given birth to her first baby .
19 He also published papers on social topics and had a great interest in historical metallurgy .
20 She was brilliant at the job and had a great future . ’
21 New signing Alex Taylor from Falkirk ‘ made the other play and had a great game ’ , according to Collins , while recalled striker Colin McGlashen found renewed zest for the game .
22 On the domestic front I was less fortunate and had no great success with house hunting .
23 It turned out that our candidate , who came to address us one evening , knew my Aunt Kit and had the greatest admiration for her , even though he also knew that the only reason why she had not been offered another , safer constituency after 1945 was that it had become too obvious she was unable to keep off the drink .
24 Working at the top end of the market as he did , Roche was taking on the most difficult assignments , but they were also the most remunerative and had the greatest publicity value .
25 Their favourite was the great Barbarian Conspiracy of AD 367 , and had the Great Casterton villa been dug in the nineteenth century , this would certainly have been considered a victim whereas , of course , the pottery is certainly not earlier than AD 375 , and maybe much later .
26 To his eternal credit , Griffin maintained his dignity throughout all the traumas and had the great consolation that his name will live as long as the great game is played .
27 As a general principle , personal representatives and trustees in bankruptcy merely stand in the shoes of the deceased or insolvent partner and have no greater rights against the continuing partners than are conferred by the partnership agreement ( or by statute in default of a sufficiently comprehensive agreement ) .
28 They are in closer contact with social problems and have a greater hold on political questions . ’
29 Large units are as economically efficient as small ones , and have a greater functional capacity ; 3 .
30 Some languages are more sophisticated than others and have a greater vocabulary .
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