Example sentences of "[coord] have [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Or somebody has stood up and done their best for their particular community or somebody 's stood up and done their best to Or has moved to somewhere .
2 The boredom was broken only by bayoneting rats , bailing more water out of the trench or having to listen to Tommy repeat the same old melodies on a now rusty mouth-organ .
3 Is it having people looking at you or having to speak to a large crowd when you have never done that before ?
4 I wish I could buy them myself , & had hoped to ; but the Speaker rejection makes it impracticable .
5 But again there was no reply , and she decided that Bertha was either out in the garden or had gone to town .
6 ‘ Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding article , the judicial or administrative authority of the requested state is not bound to order the return of the child if the person , institution or other body which opposes its return establishes that — ( a ) the person , institution or other body having the care of the person of the child was not actually exercising the custody rights at the time of removal or retention , or had consented to or subsequently acquiesced in the removal or retention ; or ( b ) there is a grave risk that his or her return would expose the child to physical or psychological harm or otherwise place the child in an intolerable situation . …
7 Because of their irregular participation in the labour market most seasonal workers would not have paid or had credited to them sufficient social security contributions to be eligible for the alternative , less generous state sickness benefit .
8 It would be reasonable to assume that such researchers had adopted new research interests , had changed occupations , or had moved to different localities .
9 It would be reasonable to assume that such researchers had adopted new research interests , had changed occupations , or had moved to different localities .
10 It is also confusion between a proper assurance based on experience and the insight deriving from it , and the dogmatism which so easily follows but is distinct from it , and which insists that what we happen to know is the only thing that matters — what others have discovered or had revealed to them is unimportant .
11 How can anyone be so arrogant as to talk about this Creature , this Thing , as if they knew It , as if they had just had a letter from It or had chatted to It over the phone , when the It can not be conceived , understood , described , or even proved to exist .
12 He wanted desperately to forget himself and who he was , or had hoped to be ; now , there was little hope , for the money he had carefully set aside for his expected purposes would not last for another year , and he had no employment .
13 The fact that Mains realised his image was changing , or had needed to be changed , will become a key part of Mains ' progress in the hottest seat in New Zealand rugby .
14 All rich , strange and remote , as if it had never happened or had happened to another person .
15 Or had chosen to .
16 In line with this , his observations are drawn , not from the consulting room , but from the mundanities of everyday intercourse , while very great pains are taken to record only what the narrator directly observed , or had reported to him on good authority .
17 It was asked , since the testator had in a general clause charged a trust relating to all dispositions on whoever should be his heir , to pay whatever legacies he had left or had ordered to be paid or done , whether , when Seia made over the three-quarters of the estate , she should vindicate the gardens in full .
18 These ministers had mostly either left the west of Scotland because they could not reconcile their consciences to episcopacy when it was restored there , or had come to Ulster to evangelise and serve the Scots settlers .
19 Blake suspected that he was not the first person who had asked himself that question or had come to the same irrational conclusion .
20 That is that the jurists gave far more consideration to the testator 's intention where he had ( or had tried to ) set up a trust than they did where civil-law dispositions were involved .
21 Over the past few decades , the world 's demand for tin has fallen dramatically as packagers have reduced the thickness of the metal in tinplate or have turned to other materials for their containers , aluminium for instance .
22 For the five-part piece that follows , for which the livret suggests that both strings and winds played , the score does not reveal whether the oboe band would have played as a four-part ensemble or have expanded to five parts in order to double all the strings .
23 This is it you see , I mean a , a company like or have gone to a lot of trouble to get that length right , er and to tune the box and all this that and the other and get the right , I do n't know maybe er just think oh you know you just build this , put this massive speaker in and call it a sub based woofer
24 The popularity of road transport has meant that railways have either had short shrift , as in Britain , where investment per kilometre is about one-third that in France , or have had to be heavily subsidized , as in France and Germany .
25 The butterfly of the gospel has broken out of its chrysalis at Jerusalem and has flown to the centre of the civilised world .
26 He assures them Virgin Atlantic can and does compete on cost as well as service , but he claims British Airways is n't playing fair and has complained to the European commission that B A is offering anti-competitive deals Virgin claims it 's losing business as a result .
27 Mrs Greenhill , a long-term collector and personal friend of the artist , is a member of MoMA 's committee on photography , and has contributed to the department 's acquisitions fund .
28 She began her career as fashion editor of The Ambassador magazine and has contributed to Paris and Italian Vogue , W and Womenswear Daily amongst many others .
29 He has published many works on Scottish architecture and has contributed to a variety of publications including the Architectural Review , Country Life , the Architects ' Journal and the Times Literary Supplement .
30 This represents a rise of a massive 140pc and has contributed to the high number of households registered as a priority for rehousing due to homelessness , currently 211 .
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