Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] you can " in BNC.

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1 Also listed are some other places where these services may be provided , or where you can get more information .
2 Make a list of your resources or where you can get hold of them
3 Its strength lies in transmitting factual information where a telephone call may disrupt a meeting or colleague 's thought processes or where you can not see if an office door is open or closed .
4 When you know you only have half an hour or so you can become quite absorbed and interested , and quite jealous of the limit you have set yourself .
5 When we responded that there were many tavern-league baseball players , yet baseball is covered as a sport , just as the average rugby player should n't stop deserving , serious rugby athletes from being covered , he snapped back : ‘ Are we having this conversation so you can pitch rugby or so you can get my answers to your questions ? ’
6 If you have served in the armed forces and would be willing to assist in the work of this group , or if you can assist with contacts in ex-service organisations like the British Star Association , please write to : .
7 I 'd like a piana from you for Christmas or if you can not get me that I would like a bike .
8 Imagine how difficult it is to look at the speaker if you can not tell the direction the voice is coming from , or if you can not hear his voice and maybe do n't know he is speaking .
9 You 'll need four pieces 4′ , 4′ , — and 16″ and 16″ or if you can cut nice mitred corners adjust the lengths accordingly .
10 Nevertheless : If a teacher has , himself , to go down into the library with the whole class , or if you can only afford a third of a teacher to be in the library at certain times , then you are quite simply restricting the amount of work that can go on .
11 Can you , if you can let , simply let me have those in at the end of the session or if you can give them to Eleanor at the end of the session .
12 Right so erm i if you can end up with two or if you can end up with I mean it may be more helpful for him if he gets if he gets a a a no increase on one size and an increase on the other .
13 For more details or if you can offer prizes for the raffle call Mrs Clarke on 463437 .
14 or if you can tell Barry when you 're coming I 'll be definitely in there to see you , how 's that ?
15 Or if you can sort of
16 The sort of questions your adviser will ask are : whether you are investing for income now or capital growth in the future ; whether you need to go for absolute security with every penny you have or whether you can afford slightly more risky investments in the hope of making more money in the long run ; what other sources of income you have , or might expect to receive .
17 The advantage of budgeting is that not only do you know exactly where you stand — or perhaps stagger ? — today , but that you can make sensible judgements about , for , how much more saving you can undertake , or whether you can afford to increase your borrowing still further .
18 There are also some there which er can or can not at your discretion for more than one year er terminology now being used about recurrent not recurrent expenditure , it 's up to you except where we are , you are resolving to recruit staff or reduce staff erm , it would be useful to have an indication from you as to whether you wish the money to be erm carried through until next year or whether you can see it as a one off .
19 ‘ I still think the great moments in acting are when a theatre audience lets out a big laugh at just the point when you want them to laugh — or when you can hear a pin drop because you 've got them totally captivated in the drama . ’
20 If VMC , or when you can get into VMC , land as soon as possible .
21 If this happens , he will give you written information about what has been done , and where you can get advice or assistance .
22 The ease of transferring from one public service scheme to another and the fact that your pension keeps up with price increases are important factors to consider when comparing them with private sector schemes , which generally do not keep up with inflation and where you can lose out if you leave .
23 More advertisements on the television , this time about those exotic faraway places which will really make you happy and where you can lie in the sun !
24 Our preview contains everything you need to know about the drivers , the teams , the route and where you can get the best views .
25 At Portela ( 625m above sea-level ) there is a popular restaurant which specializes in espetada and where you can watch your lunch cooking on the fire of laurel twigs .
26 Bournemouth is the next port of call : a well-established resort which is both elegant and friendly and where you can see anything from classical concerts to dinosaur reconstructions .
27 You can take a day trip to the Esk Valley , famous for its tweed and knitwear mills ( where you can purchase goods at mill prices ) and where you can enjoy the stunning countryside .
28 Next month I 'll be looking at technical support hotlines , and where you can get independent advice if you 've got problems with your software .
29 I could be happy here , in this great , shadowy , secret-laden place , where there are unexpected patches of happiness , and where memories sometimes echo back , and where you can feel the history of the years swirl about you .
30 The NHS reforms aim to provide an environment in which you feel welcome and where you can be confident that you are being cared for as an individual .
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