Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] i went " in BNC.

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1 A policeman came to call on me that Thursday evening , after Angy 's body had been found , asking what time the class ended and where I went afterwards … that sort of thing .
2 I suppose that bearded bloke must 'ave dropped it , I suppose I must 'ave picked it up without thinking and that I went off with it in an absent-minded way .
3 I do n't think I would ever do such a thing again , but when the depression settles on me I 'm very vulnerable , and if I went to see a film and it had a drowning sequence in it , or swirling water , then you just ca n't tell .
4 I was being utterly foolish ; my duty was to stay on , do A-levels , and go on to Oxford or Cambridge ( which took an extra term ) ; the local grammar school was not good enough to fulfil this latter purpose and if I went there , I would only be throwing my education away ; and , besides , did I not realise that , in the face of difficulties , one should never give up , but struggle on and thus establish a superior strength of character ?
5 They were absolutely horrid and if I went on the beach , the first thing I did was to dig a hole in the sand to put the feet in and then just stay there all day … .
6 And cos I went through
7 And er , some of us did go , Maisie went and and I went and there was Joan , .
8 and and I went and I .
9 and I , I 've felt at that time and since I went on too early .
10 Dinner came ; for me the meal was a very hasty one , and before I went to bed that night I had finished reading the manuscript .
11 It was dark and windy outside , and before I went to sleep I could hear a dog growling in the distance .
12 And before I went to school on the Monday , drove back down the marsh and went in this forest trying to find it .
13 I had no idea there was a class distinction , having lived in a sort of world of my own , and when I went to meet his parents in his house in Bromley , I 'd never been to such a small , little house where all the chairs had those things on the back where you catch the Brylcreem and you sat down and had high tea .
14 Not that I complained because I was having a great time with it , but I noticed that there were a few changes and when I went back to England from Mustique , that was probably the last time MainMan existed .
15 Everyone needs to earn a living , and when I went to New York , I was glad that I could earn mine by my playing .
16 I 'll just tell him he left his door open , and when I went to shut it , I saw the mess . ’
17 They had whalebone in these stays and we used to cut pieces about half an inch long and in the daytime , I used to make a bag full and put them in between the doors and I 'd go round the first time and put them in and when I went round later , if that whalebone was missing , I 'd make enquiries .
18 And when I went to play occasionally near to their house , Mrs Thwaites would bring out large sweet biscuits for me .
19 And when I went out I put the calf inside with its basket and rug .
20 Vocals went straight down with only the minimum of top end EQ to keep them sharp , and when I went for the final mixdown I have to say I was amazed at how big a sound was coming back from the monitors .
21 ‘ I hit my head on the kerb when I fell and when I went to hospital two days later they told me I had severe bruising of the brain , ’ said Walter after his Kempton win on Mithl Al Hawa .
22 I suffered with her that evening , right through every moment , and when I went to bed at around midnight I could still hear her crying into her pillow — not a sound that sends a mother peacefully to sleep .
23 And when I went out yesterday I had this horrible feeling someone was watching me all the time .
24 And when I went back to Jamaica , they were so proud of me — you know the way they think about Britain .
25 ‘ Well , my plants are all dead and the cat 's starving , and when I went across to her place it was all locked up and there are piles of junk mail on the mat . ’
26 There were several cars in the drive and when I went into the house I saw that Mrs Rumney had a few people in for drinks ; people like herself — upper class and of obvious refinement .
27 I know that on Sunday I was on , on the watch , this weekend , and there was so much ice on the river , our anchor boat which is all made of wood , that 's moored up alongside the dredger and when I went along and got , that was about twelve o'clock in the mid-day .
28 And when I went over to standard two , Miss was the name of the teacher with the the middle classes .
29 ‘ I had to climb out again to get some air and when I went back in I was just beaten back .
30 Basically the full time I was in basic training and when I went to the Regimental the Royal Highl Fusiliers Regiment the first battalion , I was physically beaten and mentally tortured er into the same bargain .
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