Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [pers pn] and " in BNC.

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31 However , traffic on the line declined in the 20th century and both it and the Citadel Station were eventually closed to passenger services in 1947 , although the larger North Leith Station did not close to passengers until 1962 .
32 But Corden won Darlington 's ensuing boardroom kerfuffle , and both he and his new vice-chairman contributed £60,000 to the cause .
33 Napoleon III , who had a horror of offending anyone socially , said nothing and both he and Eugénie behaved graciously and warmly during the dinner , as though not in the least put out .
34 He has certainly excellent manners and both he and the dear and very charming Empress ( whom Albert likes particularly ) do the honneurs extremely well and very gracefully and are full of every kind of attention .
35 Frederick now attempted to have his approved pope , Victor , recognised by Louis VII of France , and both he and Rainald made speeches at the synod at St-Jean-de-Losne declaring that the Emperor had sole authority to decide a papal election .
36 Aaron , Benstede 's body-servant , appeared as if from nowhere and both he and his master moved away as Corbett turned to see the French leave , de Craon still smirking .
37 I am pleased to say that Thomas was born healthy and happy , and both he and his mother are well.NT
38 ‘ But maybe he does , ’ Thessy insisted sadly , and both he and Ellen stared reproachfully at me as though I was risking all their future prosperity .
39 He had had only one more year to serve before he could have retired into civilian life , and both he and Isobel had been looking forward to this .
40 Fortunately , it happens that we have a common friend and both he and Mr Maxwell were to be at a board meeting in New York on Monday . ’
41 It was the first time he had brought a girl home and both he and Janine were nervous .
42 He will end with a third in the final chord , even when he omits the fifth , and both he and Crecquillon anticipate Palestrina in the climactic use of great descending scales often in thirds , sixths , or tenths — as at the end of his ‘ Jerusalem surge ’ : or the end of Crecquillon 's ‘ Ingemuit Susanna ’ .
43 She wanted them to be musicians like her , and both he and Pam were learning instruments , he the violin and Pam the clarinet .
44 Indeed , Catesby seemed quite excited and both he and his Queen openly announced they would return to Scotland as soon as possible .
45 After that , age got the better of him , and both he and his efforts to modernise Egypt languished .
46 The govenor says he 's dealing with both issuses and both he and his officers say the situation is under control tonight .
47 Oh , he had confessed his sins , walked barefoot to the shrine of St James at Compostela and both he and Fitzormonde had become hospitallers to make reparation .
48 ‘ It could , and both you and I know it , Kit , ’ Alec replied .
49 Even asking about State Secrets was a serious crime , and both she and Marx knew it .
50 She was not in foal ; and both she and the colt were emaciated , wormy , and covered in lice .
51 But to this day he had not once sat down at a table prepared by Beth , and both she and David knew only too well that it was a deliberate snub .
52 Marie-Christine was beautiful in her billowing gown , and both she and Jacques looked almost incandescent with happiness .
53 It may be that none of these incidents , taken by itself , would be very significant , but the cumulative effect of them supports the view that the plaintiff and her husband subordinated their own interests to the wishes of the deceased … the plaintiff 's acts went well beyond what was called for by natural love and affection for someone to whom she had no blood relationship , and both she and her husband made it very clear in their evidence that there was no great love and affection between her husband and the deceased , and that he was only willing to pay for meals that the plaintiff provided for the deceased and to work as he did in the garden of the cottage because of the expectation that the deceased 's estate would in due course pass to the plaintiff .
54 Sarah 's father , Major Ronald Ferguson , is Charles 's polo manager , so she was frequently at Smith 's Lawn , the Guards ' Club in Windsor Great Park , where Charles was based , and inevitably she and Diana often sat chatting while the Prince played polo .
55 It was my mother who stuck up for me and in the end he came around and now him and my baby are inseparable .
56 He says he was delighted with the aunt 's response and now he and his wife Diana are preparing the papers for an adoption .
57 She had built up a good little business in the indoor market-hall and now she and George had amassed enough in the bank to set up on a farm of their own .
58 And then him and Nora is .
59 I was there a few days and then me and me friends barricaded ourselves in a cell and we would n't come out because there was nowt to do .
60 We er put a flag on the top and a sort of plant pot stuck on the top of that and then me and Sinead we made a erm we put to stones and we filled that with junk and had a aerial stuck in it .
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