Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [vb base] at " in BNC.

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1 HAVING REACHED the point of flying your model around in circuits , rather like a fixed-wing model , you will sooner or later-probably sooner-arrive at a point where you are unsure of the model 's exact position or attitude .
2 This , therefore , I can not but earnestly repeat , — Break their wills betimes ; begin this great work before they can run alone before they can speak plain , or perhaps speak at all .
3 Mary Lovell , who has arranged the meeting , said that as well as fund raising a support group would identify patients in the area , find people willing to sit with a patient at their home to give carers a break , and provide volunteers to drive people to the hospice or generally help at the hospice .
4 Steve Chapman says they run courses for beginners and he would advise youngsters to learn properly … they can go on and progress or just stay at whatever level they want … a lot depends on budget …
5 There is also the danger with sending a letter that people may misread it — or just look at it and not read it properly .
6 If time permits , a detour is well worth the effort to sample , or just look at , some of the finest gritstone routes in the area .
7 At the same time , however , it should be recognized that not all parties retain their vitality , or even survive at all , that new parties emerge , and may quickly become powerful , as happened with the socialist parties in Europe , and that parties may change their character and their policies without necessarily changing their names .
8 If they stop and pause they may well urinate or even defecate at that spot , which is likely to be not only illegal , but also .
9 I did not know enough about painting to recognise it , or even guess at its value , but in the present-day crazy art market even a relatively modern painting might well be very valuable , and this one was apparently worth the trouble and risk that Ewen Mackay had taken .
10 Diana 's refusal to speak to , or even look at her husband has outraged hosts .
11 Treat yourself to something special , or simply browse at leisure .
12 Using committees internally to overcome restrictions on information and thereby arrive at a decision .
13 However , it is good enough to say that light entering one end of the fibre will reflect repeatedly along its length and eventually emerge at the other end ( see Fig 4 ) .
14 The digits move along one step at a time and eventually arrive at the end of the chain whereupon they are fed along the line .
15 We get out of the car , stomp round to the wheel , look at it , kick it , swear , look at our watch , feel guilty about not having left enough time to cope with the unexpected , open the boot , bang our head on it , swear again , wonder whether it would n't be better to walk to the phone , decide to change the wheel ourselves , lose one of the nuts and eventually arrive at the meeting half an hour late in a filthy temper , and take up the next five minutes explaining that it must have been a sharp chipping off one of those construction lorries and they overload them to save money and they ought to do something about it …
16 In reciprocal discourse , then , interlocutors can always establish , by the turn-taking of talk , the necessary grounds of shared knowledge , and so arrive at a mutually satisfactory schematic convergence .
17 During the toddler period some children 's awareness and motivation outstrips their co-ordination and so anger at not being able to get the doll 's arm into the jumper or the man into the fire engine can suddenly cause the child to scream in frustration and throw the toy across the room .
18 The two of them walk together and gently paw at each other rather sweetly .
19 Such problems are usually confined to ponds in which there is little or no water movement , and generally occur at night .
20 Let us be worthy of that lesson , and not flinch at deaths which are needful to protect a thousand billion other mortals .
21 I was trying hard to listen to the music and not look at them so I picked the local paper up and opened it .
22 My passion is for its numerous Romanesque churches , in most cases humbly proportioned but elevated into unique works of art by the richness of their exquisitely-sculpted decoration ; to go to Poitou/Saintonge and not look at any of its churches would be like going to an African game reserve and ignoring the animals .
23 Confronted by a section in a Quaternary deposit there are physical geographers who would devote all their time to the analysis of the sediment characteristics and not look at the space relationships of the feature in which the deposit occurs , and there are others who would deliberate about morphological evolution without closely investigating the sediment .
24 Oh , well , and not look at what your doing .
25 The way spurs are playing Ill be disappointed to let a goal in , and not score at least 2 … so Ill go for a 3–1 … nah , only kidding , 0–2
26 The solution is always to tap New line and not Enter at the end of each line within the table .
27 Head down , they race to departments , charge at the shelves and scarcely look at the price before stampeding to the cash tills .
28 We do this by assuming that it is in fact cooperative , and then asking ourselves what possible connection there could be between the location of Bill and the location of a yellow VW , and thus arrive at the suggestion ( which B effectively conveys ) that , if Bill has a yellow VW , he may be in Sue 's house .
29 ‘ I did n't want to become a prisoner of my own fame or become pushed into a corner by success and just sit at home . ’
30 The probably crazy Frankie introduces himself several times during the LP in a mad US radio DJ voice , and if that is n't novelty enough to make this worthy buying , then ignore it and just marvel at that great voice .
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