Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [pron] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Because recentralization of business my be a correct and and fashionable philosophy or perhaps one that is no longer fashionable I do n't know it still needs we believe a global approach a coherent approach to tie these things together so the organization can not only get the benefit of responsiveness and flexibility at a departmental but the leverage to exploit that information on behalf of the organization as a whole .
2 Pete is actually prepared to import a hundred or so himself if necessary .
3 So nobody wins nobody loses anything and nobody really gets what they wanted out of it at the end anyway or not everything that they wanted .
4 There will be an increasing need for specialist staff who will have to work with departmental management in determining whether or not they and their staff have been successful in producing the level and quantity of service required by those who formulate policy .
5 Some teachers felt that the advantages were directly linked to the headteacher and whether or not she or he was a good business manager .
6 Yeah whether or not you whether or not you think it 's been induced by the fact that , that they 've heard what happened in and they think that they can start doing that as opposed to ch as opposed to just saying we 're going to exist by creating
7 There seemed little point in asking Kevin whether or not he and Islander were well suited .
8 Any applicant for a course of study who has a criminal record should , at the time of application inform the Academic Registrar who will advise the applicant whether or not he or she is likely to be able to satisfy certain eligibility requirements for the course .
9 Any applicant for a course of study who has a criminal record should at the time of application inform the Academic Registrar who will advise the applicant whether or not he or she is likely to be able to satisfy certain eligibility requirements for the course .
10 Under the established system for electing members to the House of Commons , each elector has only one vote in a general election ; each constituency returns only one Member of Parliament ; and Members of the House of Commons are elected on a first-past-the-post ( winner takes all ) system whereby the candidate with the most votes wins the seat whether or not he or she has an overall majority of all the votes cast in the constituency .
11 An individual 's entitlement to social security benefit , including whether or not he or she receives benefit , is confidential information .
12 If the criterion of a good comedian is whether or not he or she confronts prejudices rather than strokes them , Ben Elton looks as impressive as ever .
13 ‘ You 're not hopeless or past it or just passing through .
14 When he did show signs of depression I could usually shake him out of it , and we took a schoolboyish delight in finding ways to disconcert Ralph 's snooty man , Talbot , who brought morning coffee and afternoon tea up to the library , and evidently disapproved or both us and our enterprise .
15 Robson 's shown he can do it & both he and Hoddle will have ALL the players ' respect .
16 Yeah yeah yeah and you know what until I get started takes long for me and then I usually can get going you know but until I keep going or sometimes somebody and I say that 's it !
17 This time , the signalling device consists of prefacing the quoted speech by a brief description of what the speaker does , or feels , or how he or she looks .
18 ‘ We have no idea who the murderer is or how he or she gained access to Sir Ralph , though we did find Sir Fulke 's buckle . ’
19 Or else she and her husband would find some way of getting out of Russia and would share the entrancing hardship of starting afresh in the West .
20 They could n't have done it too promptly or else she and the Archdeacon would have met them after their ill-fated call on the Dersinghams .
21 But we should ask ourselves why are we using that and what 's the effect of using other functions in there such as maybe an and or an or where we or the responses out of here or we an them .
22 But I still have to decide today where to put you or where we where you feel comfortable .
23 It would have been interesting , and perhaps fairer , to have looked at the drama work in an authority either where no drama adviser existed or where he or she did not have the accolade of inspectorial approval .
24 He could not explain why he ran or why he and David abandoned a car a few minutes later a mile from the town centre .
25 It 's beginning to feel like an age old question , or certainly one that has been hanging around since the dark ages .
26 A marriage of Baptists believers , this : Charles , unlike his brother John , was never a full member of Badcox Lane Chapel , and he was even to play safe by having his children christened at the parish church ; but it was to the Baptists he turned whenever there was a death in the family , and eventually he and his wife would find a last resting place in the chapel burial ground on Catherine Hill .
27 Hess planned to get to Scotland in one , and rather him than me .
28 What happens then is that faith runs up against an awkward question or a scornful dismissal , and suddenly everything that had seemed so unmistakably certain , meaningful , true , collapses like a balloon leaving the remnants of faith limp and deflated .
29 The house seemed full of silence ; and suddenly everything that had happened earlier led to this .
30 The back kitchen door was unlocked — no one could find the place without a map , said Rory , and so what if they did ? — and inside it was cool and deathly quiet , save only for the buzzing of a fly or two .
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