Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [pron] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 They grant also what is called a divorce a mensa et thoro , or rather what we should call a judicial separation , i.e. they release the parties from the duty of living together on grounds of cruelty or misconduct ; but a divorce in the modern sense , which allows the parties to marry again , is not recognized by the medieval church in the case of any marriage which is originally valid .
2 Nurseries , or rather what we used to call Market Gardens , where strawberries , soft fruit and vegetables are grown , are able to rest areas between crops and take full advantage of the scratching hen , who manures evenly as she works .
3 Before some of you scoff at the obscurity of such a subject , let me tell you what the preacher meant ( or rather what I think the preacher meant ) by it .
4 The aircraft had a peculiar motion , rather like a small boat in a heavy ocean swell , or rather what I imagined that must feel like , never having been out on the open sea in a small boat .
5 As we have seen previously , Bukharin distinguished between arithmetical sums and what he called ‘ real aggregates ’ , or perhaps what we might call totalities .
6 Or perhaps anything you said would just make things worse ? ’
7 it was just more or less They they certainly would n't have food or anything like that I think it was just more or less the supplier or That would be
8 Oh yes , I mean it 's tremendous fun , actually , because it 's one of those jobs which you can make more or less whatever you want out of .
9 Oh yes , I mean it 's tremendous fun actually , because it 's one of those jobs which you can make more or less whatever you want out of .
10 Everybody bought more or less everything they needed .
11 More or less what we 've just talked about .
12 Erm it is always been planned that the this er release of the flight control system will be phased through five steps and the capabilities at first flight are more or less what we had been planning er right from the outset .
13 Erm it has always been planned that the this er release of the flight control system , will be phased through five steps and the capabilities at first flight are more or less what we had been planning er right from the outset .
14 Yeah it says , Romans ten , verse thirteen , for every everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah , will be saved , however , how will they call on him if in him they 'd not put faith , how in turn will they put faith in him , if him they 've not heard , how in turn will they hear without someone to preach , how in turn will they preach unless they 've been sent forth , just as it is written , how come we are at the feet of those who declare good news of good things well that 's more or less what we were saying is n't it ?
15 Yeah that 's more or less what she was
16 He was probably spoilt by his sisters , and and got more or less what he wanted as a child , and
17 More or less what I asked personal point of view that er one is afraid that Europe , as it is , is rather limited .
18 That 's more or less what it said in my book except erm they need to be shaded from early morning sun if there 's been a frost .
19 It 's got you need to write a hundred words or less what you want to be older and plans for the future .
20 up or down whichever you want ?
21 And the Sainsburys , Tescos and Safeways of the world are the people with the financial clout and organisational know-how to spend the £15million or so which it takes to buy the land , negotiate the planning hurdles , employ a builder and stock the shelves to open a new superstore on a good site .
22 Mind you Br Brian 's supposed to be coming back to me on er whether or not he he 's gon na be around at all .
23 At first it was not entirely clear where the word ‘ Hooligan ’ had sprung from — and it remains unclear to this day — or exactly what it meant , other than some kind of novel reference to street violence and ruffianism .
24 On a weekly one or fortnightly one I was
25 got a very low test statistic either in terms of kie or F right so we have n't reached but the model is still a poor model because we do n't have erm er stable parameters , right , so you would actually reject this model as it stands , alright , because it did n't pass the diagnostic test statistics but there is no point generating parameters w if they , if they are not constant and you 're gon na say elastic demand is one point four six or really it it 's ranged between minus three plus , plus six over the sample , so you put estimate means so it must have constant parameters .
26 The frogs could hear them although they did n't know what they meant or even what they were .
27 Neither the instructors nor the other students knew anyone 's real name , or even what they were giving as their name .
28 Surprisingly , after all that , the only bone of contention is the supposed ‘ frisson of excitement ’ which the anonymous mole declares is impossible to find and seeks help , as certain members of the department ‘ do n't know where to look , or even what we are looking for ’ .
29 I knew nothing about the Ober Gabelhornr 's history or the difficulty of the route , or even what it looked like .
30 Literary criticism has often taken precisely this assumption as its starting point , and has presumed that a literary text is not necessarily saying what it intends to say or even what it appears to say — hence the need for critical interpretation .
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