Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [prep] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 as if something within them had sharpened to awareness , or perhaps as if the darkling forest had wakened their strange ancestry and quenched the Human side of them .
2 To reinforce this confidence , they had participated in GCC defence consultations a week or so before and joint manoeuvres with Kuwait the previous winter .
3 Never apply a depilatory cream to inflamed or broken skin , or shortly before or after using soap , deodorant or a perfumed product .
4 She struck out forcefully towards Alexander , which seemed natural , since the boat at anchor was the only thing to swim towards or away from or around on the flat Mediterranean .
5 the name and address of everyone resident in the property who will be 18 or over on or before 1st April 1990 .
6 Britain 's position was further weakened early in 1963 , when the French president , de Gaulle , vetoed the first British attempt to join the EEC , though George Ball later concluded that the veto would have been delivered sooner or later with or without Nassau .
7 In their natural environment , ramblers spread and sprawl over the ground or up into and over other plants or objects that offer support — a more literal name would be ‘ scrambler ’ — and their frequent use is to be tied to and draped over arches , pergolas , fences and similar supports .
8 Or how about if he realised that the real reason I had been looking ‘ better ’ lately had something to do with a £6.99 bargain hair colourant from Clairol ?
9 Nor can it be compared with the ballerina 's dance in Rhapsodie where she wafts to and fro as if in a dream before breaking into her solo .
10 He would sit and hold her , rocking her gently to and fro as if she was a child whilst she , muttering gibberish , rubbed salt into his wound by believing he was the nobleman come back to claim her .
11 He seemed to explode out of the chair , pacing to and fro as if he could not be still .
12 Lyn says , ‘ He went off sex and I used to carry on and on about whether he was after other women .
13 Mark Twain was so impressed he included a description in his work The Innocents Abroad : ‘ I watched the Silver Swan which had a living grace about his movements and a living intelligence in his eyes — watched him swimming about as comfortably and unconcernedly as if he had been born in a morass instead of a jewellers ' shop — watched him seize a silver fish from under the water and hold up his head and go through all the customary and elaborate motions of swallowing it ’ .
14 He thought of the cabin up the creek to which his sister had withdrawn at his urging , and he turned to find the track , willing himself to control his horror , to keep moving nimbly and stealthily as if he did not feel unstrung .
15 I do it without premeditation , as naturally and wearily as if I did it every night .
16 Then she thought , hard and suddenly as if it were someone else 's thought , I 'm in love with someone who 's not Anne .
17 now let's erm just go on to something perhaps that 's more to the point , you were asked on a number occasions er what information was given and so for and when , er can you see in fact on some of these documents that the brochures are indeed dated ? , just look at er please , you can see that it 's a printed brochure it 's got a number of er additions and then we look at page thirty seven boldly state you have that as twenty sixth March eighty five , do n't you ?
18 Individuals and small parties join together in the open water outside the kelp beds , where they swim up and down as if trying to get the courage to attempt the last lap .
19 It was rubbing up and down as if he were titillating an unseen erogenous zone .
20 They went up and down as if they were on a roller-coaster .
21 She used to look me up and down as if the Brownie uniform was really nothing to get excited about , and say smugly , ‘ Rainbows wear green Nuforms ! ’
22 He smiled dazzlingly and looked her up and down as if fondling her with his gaze , while she returned his smile and somehow without moving made her cling silk dress ripple and shimmer .
23 Chen saw how the man came across , wary of Karr , eyeing the big man up and down as if to assess how much trouble he might be .
24 ‘ We hate to detain our most welcome guests , especially when they have … ’ he looked Anna May up and down as if his mind could do with a good Chinese laundering ‘ … other urgent business to attend to . ’
25 ‘ I think it must be your eyes , ’ he said at last , running his own gaze up and down as if giving intimate consideration to every other feature of her body .
26 Ludo grins and bobs up and down as if he has just unwrapped a toy train set .
27 Colebrooke marched up and down as if he was on parade whilst Mistress Philippa leaned against the wall , looking sorrowfully down at Tower Green .
28 But while a non-linguistic preference or bias might explain why the meaning of more appears to be acquired before that of less , there still appears to be some violation of the principle of Contrast when children respond to more and less as if their meanings were identical .
29 Even a knight was worth a fair ransom ; and better worth if he decided , upon consideration , to enlist upon the other side .
30 Topaz went into Timothy 's arms as quietly and naturally as if nothing had happened .
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