Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You know , and you , you then have that sheet , and how much is my time worth , and how much is his time worth , or her time worth , and you can say , you know , these interruptions are actually costing us quite a lot of month .
2 A person who spends most of his or her time in the home will receive a higher dose .
3 He could not have told where he went , or what time of day it was , except that dark was coming down .
4 People can hold on to seven plus or minus two bits of information and the plus or minus two he called the local factors which are you know whether it 's warm out whether you feel warm or cold or whether or what time of day it is have you just had a heavy lunch whatever it might be .
5 Despite my wealth of experience and my time as an instructor , I had become over confident in my own ability .
6 Anyone who has ever sailed with Phil Andrews will agree that there is never a dull moment or lack of sea time , and my time with him on Valiant was certainly full of those ingredients .
7 You do n't yet give us money , although I hope may , one day you will be persuaded to do so , but you have given us time , and particularly in the person of your colleague Sandra who is here , and her time to us has been enormously valuable and I want to thank you for that .
8 She was going home to England to take up the threads of her life and forget Alain and her time in France .
9 And last those who should probably be first — the experts who have the knowledge that enables them to evaluate books , records , stamps and other valuables professionally and are willing to put this skill and their time at our disposal .
10 and his time on Earth had taught him to feel cold as an intellectual concept , if not a physical one , and he might have wished to take shelter .
11 But Vitor d'Arcos had always been mentally strong and his time as a racing driver meant his reflexes had been honed to the micro-second .
12 He had the drive and determination that Macmillan sought , and his time in the Ministry of Supply had given him experience in , and a fascination for , advanced technology in weapon development .
13 American war photographer Chris Morris recently took a rare break to attend the second festival of photojournalism in Perpignan where he spoke to Ted Welch about his images and his time in Iraq .
14 And what time of the day was that ?
15 And what time of the year does this happen ?
16 ‘ We must conserve our money and our time in the schedules for the big ones , ’ Bromley says .
17 Now , FitzSimons 's Fitness for Slobs revolves around three numbers : your weight , your time for swimming a kilometre , and your time for a five-kilometre run .
18 I had not only won a major title but my time in Madrid of 21.1 was my fastest ever , indoors or out , and that on a very tight , small track .
19 Tor Yvresse itself is one of the oldest and most beautiful of all Elf settlements but its time of glory is long past .
20 He also pleaded interference with his duty to those by whom he was employed in a private practice of considerable extent , but his time at the College had been clearly specified — two hours for consultation by subscribers with sick horses on three days a week , with little or no call upon him for attendance at uncertain hours . ’
21 But your time in the quarries must have strengthened your muscles . ’
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