Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] i have " in BNC.

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1 It was n't that my shoulders are broader than anyone else 's or that I have the most understanding nature in the world .
2 It is at this point that I do n't know if I can help , or if I have somehow wounded him too badly .
3 no its not for my husband cos my husband says you look nice whether I 've got make up on or whether I have n't got make up on so really
4 There is one place where I can say I am at home , where I can live in peace and quiet with my most beloved father and my dearest sister , where I can do as I like , where apart from the duties of my appointment I am my own master , and where I have a permanent income and yet can go off when I like , and travel every second year …
5 Dear Harsnet , he wrote , I want simply to tell you that work on your notes connected with the Big Glass is at last under way and that I have remained scholarly and impartial throughout what has not been an easy task , in view of what you say about me and especially about my family , and which you must have known would give offense .
6 What you must never forget is that I am not and never have been an ethnic of any description , and that I have never found any evidence that justifies any cretinous claim by you , or by any of your co-morons in the sewers of lofty racist Neanderthal , that Eurocentrism warrants any positive attention from those like myself who inherit — and consciously — a civilised tradition and philosophy going back millions of years .
7 But now that you are reaching voting age and puberty , and will inevitably soon experience the same condition , I must tell you that my penis is fluorescent green and that I have five foreskins .
8 I would remind Ben that I put up To Bolt or Not To Be , a widely recognised 8b/c , in November 1986 ; that I have since climbed more than 20 routes of this level or more ; that I repeated the roof at Volx fairly easily in 1990 ; and that I have since put up two more 8cs — Huevos in 1991 and Macoumba Club recently at Orgon — in addition to Just Do It .
9 I feel that somewhere over my head is hanging some kind of spirituality-ometer , and that I have been found wanting .
10 This is the world that I enjoy , and that I have spent the second half of my life so far in exploring and learning about .
11 Now it can still be objected that this is also true of adults and that I have still , therefore , failed to distinguish them from children .
12 And that I have personally already found a problem .
13 My husband says I am calmer and more relaxed and that I have had a much more positive outlook on life !
14 And that I have had to get through a lot of long silences with both of you . ’
15 I am happy to tell the hon. Gentleman that I have had a number of meetings with President Vassiliou during the year and that I have already met Turkish Ministers , as has my right hon. Friend the Foreign Secretary .
16 Equally , the whole House will have seen for itself how far we have moved down the Order Paper today and that I have called a number of English Members on hospital trust matters .
17 I tell myself that I will let myself lie in bed for another five minutes though I stipulate that I am not allowed to go back to sleep and that I have to count out the five-minutes in my head .
18 The only assurance that you have , and that I have that we are Christians is what God has said in his word .
19 Their deeper action over and above that of repeated low potency centesimals seems plain and although I have no evidence I feel that high centesimals would probably have aggravated and made more difficult the roundabout route which we followed .
20 The Ariston CD3 is , in the end , just another player , and although I have tried to highlight its special attributes , there will be listeners and systems for and with which the Ariston is less at home than it was here on test .
21 And although I have since had my own shows in West End galleries in London , the excitement of being part of the Summer Exhibition has never worn thin .
22 And although I have occasionally considered a larger tank in the house ( I have a 48″ × 15″ × 15″ ) , accommodating it would involve so much disruption that I have never bitten the bullet .
23 I do sometimes get asked how many machines I 've had and although I have n't actually counted them up , you will see that it is quite a few ! !
24 And although I have to admit that this tale of a French prince who is turned into a frog by his wicked aunt and grows up to be a prince among frogs and a secret agent to boot , did n't grab me , it will surely keep the little ones enthralled .
25 For much the same market , and although I have not had time to finish it , so far it is very powerful .
26 ‘ We are of the same Line you and I , ma'am , and although I have not the ancient Samhailt , I understand it .
27 I ca n't feel enthusiastic about the government training course I 'm on and although I have a nice boyfriend , I 'm trying to finish the relationship .
28 You see , I have been searching the moors with my telescope , and although I have not actually seen the prisoner , I have seen the person who is taking him food . ’
29 ‘ I was a Classic in my youth , madam , and although I have always been deeply interested in the works of the Roman poets and the Roman historians I have never been able to summon up much enthusiasm for Roman architecture .
30 To find employment my father moved to Peterborough and although I have since lived at Rathcoole for a period I have found my childhood friends difficult to trace .
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