Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] [vb pp] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Er I think one of the greatest er causes of s absenteeism , it was n't so much ill health er not on the part of the pupil , I think it was more er if something was wrong within th family , particularly if you was an elder daughter or an elder boy , you see and erm , if your mother was ill or or confined you see , you were probably kept at home er for those sort of reasons to either look after the the younger children at home or to help to look after home .
2 And then took er took the k took the tr the erm took the the saddle off and the lathe and and fitted it on top and then got special tools from Clarence Dock at Liverpool power station that I asked for , tools .
3 Yeah , well I know but er he had n't seen anyone , he reckons for well over a year and when phoned me up I agreed to have lunch with him and then he gave me an earful about all sorts of things including erm in Norwich issuing net fares on Norwich Amsterdam .
4 The component parts of the woodwork for the sides , backs and quarters were assembled in jigs by a gang of finishers , and when completed they were transferred by means of a conveyor to the trimmers , who were supplied with cloth and other material cut to the correct size and stitched .
5 These facilities represent a total investment of £17 million within the last 2 years and when completed we will have invested £28 million .
6 In ‘ play ’ mode , rotating this control selects effect chains , and when pushed it activates the bypass function .
7 So erm , I think when she said she did n't know , er , she was telling the truth , and when asked her if she could explain to me , the very point that just asked me , again she said she , she could n't explain , she had , she she 'd agreed , agreed it was a paradox , that she did n't really know erm , why the book had never been published , or until nineteen sixty seven erm note , note that it , that it had been taken .
8 It is as aware of objects behind it as in front of it , and when alarmed it can reverse backwards into its hole with a speed and accuracy that any motorist would envy .
9 This was n't a reflection of his feelings about me , I knew that , and when pressed he would only say that the most resounding impression she gave was of her innate class .
10 And when told it was Victoria after the Queen and that the Queen was a wonderful lady , and her Prince was wonderful , too , she 'd had to bite her tongue to prevent herself from saying , ‘ Aye , she 's a wonderful lady all right , she 's still for bairns your size working twelve hours a day .
11 Some tapes have built-in protection and when copied you will find the sound or vision is distorted .
12 My jaw hurt , my teeth were locked in an instinctive bite , and when released they chattered as if propelled by clockwork .
13 The the first question is this is this thing about nerves is n't it because that 's the first feeling you have when you got up get up here is and as said I 'm dry already and I have n't even been up there and done it yet the voice is dry and you know then you feel a bit shaky and all that sort of thing and why do we why do we feel nervous ?
14 Belinda met him in the front hall on his way to his sister 's room , and as expected he raised questioning eyebrows .
15 Jayne 's more placid but if provoked she can come back with an equally strong response . ’
16 Again Tallboy found it hard to judge the tone but if pressed he would have said it was sarky .
17 A kite on a line generates lift from the wind streaming past it ; but if released it soon reaches the same speed as the surrounding air and loses it all .
18 The database may take quite some time to establish , but if networked it will enable scientific , garden , library and photographic staff to check for the existence of a slide before new work is undertaken , thus saving time and money .
19 The Labour Party pose as the guardian of the N H S but when pressed they 've not policies , only empty promises , no idea where the funding would come fo from to pay for their ill thought out pledges .
20 Overall then , not only were female GP referrals sectioned less frequently than other female referrals , but when sectioned they were less frequently subject to the lengthier section 3 .
21 This assertion would be misleading , for not only was cattle stealing not primitive , but when organized it was a rational economic business .
22 But when discovered it was assigned by its excavators to the late-third or early-fourth century ( Britannia VIII ( 1977 ) , 413 ) : a dating subsequently accepted by Neal ( 1981 , no. 63 ) and Swain and Ling ( Britannia XII ( 1981 ) , 168 : where the wall paintings from the same room as the mosaic are considered to be of late-third/early-fourth century date ) .
23 But when mastered it gives a great feeling of exhilaration and achievement , in other words your ego 's going to get built if you 're good on that .
24 In order to avoid the hitches of the last trip , they had carried it in its bag , but when unpacked it was discovered that one of the parts was damaged .
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