Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] [pron] will " in BNC.

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1 We must assume now that they know about our plan to attack Bremen , but not when or where we will strike .
2 The WE177 free-fall bomb will be approaching the end of its service life around the turn of the century , but no decision has yet been taken on the system to replace it , or where it will be based .
3 Or or he 'll knock it off the price if you want to .
4 Until about eighteen months or so they will typically be unable to search for objects which have been displaced invisibly ( by transposing containers , for example ) .
5 Within a year or so you will have the satisfaction of moving in to the house you have built with your own hands ; your old home will have been sold , allowing you to pay back the building society loan you took out to buy the land and materials ; and there will be more than enough profit , considering how much you saved by using your own labour , to pay for some champagne to celebrate .
6 After five minutes or so you will begin to see that your back is becoming flatter as it comes more in contact with the floor .
7 However , there is no reason to suppose that relationships between size and reproductive success will be linear or that they will follow a similar pattern in both sexes .
8 They worry that Thames 's programmes will go to BSkyB ; or that they will have to pay extortionate prices to stop that happening ; or that Pearson will launch other satellite channels .
9 They can not be sure that their children will be able to go to school or that they will receive medical treatment throughout their lives .
10 ‘ Quite a few employers are biased against ex-service people because they have misconceptions that they are either robots who only take orders , or that they will run around handing orders out .
11 And we have that purpose if we know in advance that we are looking for the answers to certain questions , or that we will be asked to carry out certain tasks as a result of viewing .
12 The film viewer sees a wide range of technical devices — split-screen , slow motion , fast motion , various kinds of fades — that enable the storyteller to indicate that something happened earlier ( the ‘ flash-back ’ ) or that something will happen in the future , or that something is being dreamt or fantasized .
13 Or that there 'll be wine in heaven ?
14 If you are going to pay candidates ' travelling expenses one of the advance preparations will be to organize these beforehand , ensuring there is cash available or that someone will be there to sign the necessary cheque .
15 ‘ I can only assume they either think he 'll be too busy with other matters or that he 'll be stirring up trouble .
16 I 'm not saying that he will get it wrong or that he 'll lose you the money , but that 's the responsibility of .
17 It could be that you think he 'll say ‘ no ’ or that he 'll raise doubts and practical concerns .
18 ‘ ( 1 ) An act done by a person in contemplation or furtherance of a trade dispute shall not be actionable in tort on the ground only — ( a ) that it induces another person to break a contract or interferes or induces any other person to interfere with its performance ; or ( b ) that it consists in his threatening that a contract ( whether one to which he is a party or not ) will be broken or its performance interfered with , or that he will induce another person to break a contract or to interfere with its performance .
19 Mr. Wilson : I fully understand that the Minister hopes that one bid will emerge and perhaps that would be the best answer , but if one bid does not emerge , will the Minister maintain the right to dictate that either only one bid will emerge or that he will condemn those involved in an alternative bid to effective disqualification ?
20 The father might , for example , threaten that he will inform the girl 's mother of previous sexual activity between them or that he will commence sexual activity with a younger sibling if she does not comply .
21 Yet nobody can say whether an individual plaintiff is an average man or that he will live for the expectation of life of an average man of his age .
22 They ca n't say that I 'm in a druggy haze or that I 'll get out of it .
23 ‘ He thinks I wo n't remember my lines , ’ thought Gabriel , ‘ or that I 'll rush them like I did last time .
24 ‘ And maybe he 's guessed I 'll put you onto him , or that you 'll just work it out for yourselves , so he 's settling old scores while he can , before they 're warned , too . ’
25 Hopefully the new home which you are now considering as a prospective purchase will be suitable for your needs in every way , but it may well be that a need for some renovation or refurbishment is indicated from the surveyor 's report or that you will wish to make improvements or alterations of your own .
26 It will alienate the interviewer if you seem mainly concerned to ensure your holiday will not have to be cancelled or that you will be eligible for the next pay rise .
27 Although it may at first feel as though you will always be the new member of staff , or that you will never stop asking questions , most returners express appreciation and gratitude for the support and practical help offered by colleagues , and for the warm welcome extended to them on their return .
28 It is important to keep in mind that being HIV positive does not necessarily mean that you will develop AIDS , or that you will die immediately .
29 Do keep in mind that testing positive does not necessarily mean you will develop AIDS , or that you will inevitably become ill .
30 ‘ This woman here is not a moral agent in the same sense that I am , or that you will become .
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