Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] for [adv] " in BNC.

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1 However , Lucy managed to convey that she intended to stay for several days , or perhaps for even a week .
2 ( A migrant is one intending to stay out or in for more than 12 months . )
3 Claimed battery life is 4 hours , or enough for just 60 sheets of paper .
4 My friend , who has stayed at the cottage before , is going up 24th or so for about a week , so there will be her rent @ £7 per day and electricity @ 10p per unit ( to cover standing charges etc ) to come to you in due course .
5 No Mrs Drubb , or not for much longer .
6 We would propose , in the first instance , to accept annually three visiting scientists for one year each , or more for proportionally shorter periods .
7 Dreamers were for ever the vanguard , or maybe for ever the forlorn hope .
8 Locke , although not opposed to corporal punishment as a final sanction , nor indeed for very young children of an age too tender to be reasoned with , in order to instil the necessary fear and awe that a child should have for an adult , strongly disapproved of beating once formal education had begun , just as he was equally opposed to bribing the child to work through material rewards .
9 and he 'd been a Liverpool councillor off and on for over fifty years .
10 ‘ I 've been canoeing off and on for about ten years , but this is my first venture on the open sea , ’ he said .
11 To summarise , the ‘ absolute income ’ hypothesis may be criticised on two major grounds : ( a ) for not providing an adequate explanation of the different sets of income-consumption data ; ( b ) for not taking into account the influence of wealth and the rate of interest on consumption , and so for not being consistent with the microeconomic analysis of consumer behaviour .
12 The body shape and layout did n't imply anything , and so for once I had to take things as they came .
13 The shear modulus C is then given by the quotient of the shearing force per unit area and the shear per unit distance between shearing surfaces ; and so For very small shearing strains tan θ θ and
14 For the present , and perhaps for far into the future , the simple primary voting system rules .
15 Incontrovertibly , therefore , Johnson had embraced Jacobitism to some degree of sympathy at some stage , and perhaps even quite vehemently , and perhaps for quite a long period of his life — but , as with the formation of many political tastes and stances , the dalliance owed as much to what he disliked ( the Hanoverian kings ) as to what he espoused and idealised .
16 In reality it is impossible to estimate the probabilities P ( wi|w1 , … , wi-1 ) for all but very small values of i , and only for quite a small vocabulary .
17 From the beginning of the fourth year , and especially for as long as pupils were legally free to leave school at the end of that year , very much more definite choices were made : ‘ Newsom ’ courses for those who were to leave , examination courses for most of the rest , with many decisions then to be taken about which subjects to drop , and which to pursue .
18 For those who are dumb , a sign language is useful and especially for mentally handicapped people who have speech difficulties , there are symbolic languages such as the Bliss Symbolic Communication System and the Makaton Vocabulary Language Programme which have greatly improved their capacity for communicating ( Kiernan et al , 1983 ) .
19 The principal removal mech mechanisms for salts are inorganic precipitation a chemical reaction between the dissolved substance and a particle , such that it then becomes part of the particle and obviously for biologically mediated substances biological processes such as skeleton formation or conversion to biological tissue .
20 Despite the reported ‘ need to hear the voice of the Führer again ’ , Hitler 's traditional speech on 30 January 1942 , the anniversary of the ‘ seizure of power ’ , left some feelings of disappointment , since people were looking for comforting or encouraging words about the state of the war in the east and not for just another stereotype repetition of the Nazi Party 's glorious history .
21 The normal principle — that people get paid for doing their jobs and not for not doing them — is reversed in the case of housewives .
22 The Sheikha caught my eye and shook her head as if to say , ‘ This is all very old and not for today . ’
23 Your building is completed ; your medical establishment arranged ; the rules and orders for the government of the House suggested and published ; and already for more than one month , the indigent and afflicted have been deriving comfort and relief from the institution .
24 And just for why ? ’
25 Shut up and just for once listen to me ! ,
26 It is reasonable to assume that the territory governed from Knossos , for instance , extended eastwards for roughly half the distance between Knossos and Mallia and southwards for roughly half the distance between Knossos and Phaistos .
27 Eubank was warned several times by South African referee Stan Christodoulou , for low blows and once for blatantly shouldering Thornton away .
28 I was arrested twice , once for trying to get out of the place , and once for just walking around the course , both times without wearing a badge .
29 Many in the trade expect prices to go up further today , and possibly for quite a few auctions to come .
30 It has been used in jewellery on and off for nearly 1000 years , for crucibles in the laboratory and in industry for nearly 200 years , as a catalyst in industry for 150 years , in the electrical industry for 100 years and now , most recently , in modern metallurgy and medicine .
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