Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [modal v] also " in BNC.

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1 Major window suppliers such as Boulton & Paul , Crittalls and John Carr will supply these in a wide range of standard sizes ; or you may also be able to get a local joinery firm to make them up for you .
2 So , of course you might be running into trouble by doing too much , by being over-zealous and when you do things , or you may also be inviting criticism and inviting the , the great fickle hand of of bureaucratic power down upon you by doing too little too late , and that 's often the , that 's often the criticism which people in your profession and several other professions get accused of .
3 By personal charisma and/or alliance with other fonctionnaires with a more direct professional stake in curriculum content and delivery ( especially , inspectors ) , he or she may also and exceptionally become a ‘ curriculum leader ’ in the British sense , but that is achieved at the cost of encroaching upon the formal responsibility of other professionals .
4 He or she may also have vomiting and possibly diarrhoea .
5 He or she may also be able to claim the cost of any parts already ordered to do the job and any labour charges over the £25 deposit you paid .
6 He or she may also suspect that the manager has far greater access to a lot of useful information .
7 However , he or she may also render all the partners collectively liable .
8 But , if there is a further " selecting " qualifier , such as only , and if the speaker sees the latter as focusing on the property of the adjective , then it is quite reasonable that he or she may also feel it necessary to mark this focal adjectival property as one to be explicitly assigned , rather than being an ordinary part of the identificatory bundle .
9 He or she might also be responsible for a large department providing the bibliographical services of cataloguing , reservations and interloans .
10 But he or she would also be able to initiate the sort of actions which , under the present system , might never be brought because of lack of funds or problems of co-ordination , or because prospective applicants , by reason of social deprivation or lack of education , do not have the human resources to speak for themselves .
11 He or she must also make any capital contribution , which is normally payable forthwith , and pay the first instalment of any contribution from income , so that the whole sum will be paid off within 12 months .
12 He or she will also apply to the Land Registry for copy title deeds of the property and a potted history of the various ownerships .
13 Bear in mind that once your child has this information , he or she will also need to understand exactly who they can safely talk to about it .
14 Depending on your child 's age , he or she will also be consulted .
15 The Government has ensured , therefore , that if a person enters his or her name on the register in order to vote , he or she will also be billed for the poll tax .
16 He or she will also need to obtain a Court Order .
17 He or she will also know local churches well and should have worked out in advance the best setting for family photographs , special effects and romantic pictures .
18 He or she can also help negotiate agreements between spouses , conduct proceedings in court or advise on conciliation and other services .
19 There are two main methods of measuring costs : one can either include only public expenditure costs , or one can also include opportunity costs .
20 This base can be the rear seat rail , or another rail fitted above the seat , but if so , no more than 2in above the seat or it would also need to be curved to avoid discomfort .
21 The isotope most commonly used for measurement of colonic transit is 9 9 m Tc-DTPA in liquid form , or it may also be incorporated into ispaghula husk to simulate the physical properties of faeces more closely .
22 If by " meaning " is understood the objective content of linguistic utterances , or what might also be called their " objective thought-content " ( I shall discuss later the " historical " , performative aspects of such utterances ) , then , on the face of it at least , there seems to be nothing odd or improper in making identifying cross-references to meanings .
23 Well , I mean at least Mr 's coming out , and we 'll ask Steve to raise those very points with him , and I 'll also raise it with Mr , the inspector when I see the inspector about that particular issue .
24 And I 'll also let a spider into your room .
25 He 's from the Chipping Norton anti-gipsy campaign , and I 'll also be talking with Henry from Standlake about his views on gipsies out there in that village .
26 And I would also like to add yet another ‘ reason ’ to the already formidable pile , which is that Stavrogin intends a ‘ challenge to society ’ .
27 Another neglected master emerged on three LPs of Piano Sonatas by Harold Truscott , played , as in the Founds , by the indefatigable peter Jacobs ; they revealed a muscial thinker of a very high order who has been , and still is , cruelly ignored by the muscial establishment ( again , I understand that John Ogdon 's recording for Altarus of Truscott 's Tenth is due for release soon — and I would also make a plea for a re-issue of those other Sonatas on CD : they are contrapuntal masterpieces , sometimes witty , often beautiful , and they ought to be much more widely known ) .
28 ‘ I am grateful for the support given to me by the London Fire Brigade and I would also like to thank the Fire Brigades Union . ’
29 I was very pleased to see your interview with Nick Bollettieri about Andre in your December/January issue , and I would also like to say that I agree totally with what the other people who wrote to you said about Andre .
30 And I ca n't say I have the slightest sympathy for them , and I would also guess that you were one of those caught with their financial trousers down . ’
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