Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 And for all of us , the short , sharp shock of illogical fear ( the brakes temporarily fail on your car , or someone comes at you with a knife ) is helpful .
2 I always posted two sentries at night , more if the situation warranted it , and Omar or I checked at intervals to make sure they were awake .
3 ( I am angry over an act of injustice or I wonder at the sight of Niagara Falls or I am pleased with my Christmas present . )
4 You can either look at people 's jobs because that 's the bulk of the money goes or you look at the charging policy or you look how the building 's run .
5 It overrode the pain , as , each slash , cut by the bag , or she kicked at him , just another woe ; as a crashing , endless tide ; all the sins of the world his sadness .
6 Each person referred , even if he or she remained at home , was allocated to either the community psychiatric nurse or the social worker ( as key worker ) ; their case was reviewed by the team every six weeks , and was never closed , except by death or removal from the area .
7 Do you that a child 's mind works in this way , as he or she looks at the world and finds meaning of in it , and are others who are influenced by their own experiences and by their conclusions of others .
8 This was to ensure that , as far as possible , the teachers in the sample included only those who had either experienced the entire process of review , reporting and feedback or who had at least been involved in the review component .
9 Now , I was never a good getter-up but I do have the excuse that I often retire very late , particularly if I have a visitor in the afternoon and need to get a bit of washing or something done at night when it is possible to get on with it without interruptions .
10 But have you got a form or something to get at the garage ?
11 And I say to them ‘ Look , do n't start planning this whole thing on your own from the beginning , go round and talk to the various people you know that are interested and say to them ‘ Look , I 'm planning to try and do this work , or we agreed at such and such a meeting that I would do this work , but I do n't just want to do this on my own , I want to take into account other people 's views .
12 Or we look at how strongly animals avoid things , and again that tells us something about how unpleasant the thing is to the animal .
13 But if you come to play laser quest one word of advice — do n't wear a white shirt or everybody shoots at you .
14 If they call you names or they spit at you , or or whatever , it 's better to walk away and live another day than to get your head kicked in and end up in hospital .
15 Hence staff sample covertly where they can , without gaining access to the discharger 's premises ; or they sample at night or weekends when they are not expected to be at work , and any routine sampling done during the day is never by appointment :
16 Oatcakes and and and it was porridge or they got at dinner time .
17 or they stand at the bar .
18 ‘ The things I do are not recommended for children or anyone to do at home .
19 I would say I think that 's a very good point chairman now can we ask perhaps either our groundsman or or or whatever to look at it to see if something to make it safer for these these people to er get access to .
20 And everyone froze at the Las Vegas meeting to view triumphant Nina 's outfit .
21 At this there was a loud outburst of laughter , and everyone looked at a girl sitting at the back , who , scarlet in the face , ran out of the room , sobbing .
22 It seemed as if she could n't do anything right and everyone grumbled at her .
23 This time the tray is brought into the room and everyone looks at it .
24 Because the rain blew in gusts , the doors were usually closed and the glass clouded and wept , and the world closed in and nothing existed at all except a diseased crew , buffeted and windswept , butting their way through the void .
25 The stones at its margins were bleached like bones and nothing grew at the water 's edge except rank thickets of bamboo .
26 No furniture , just one chair and a mattress on the floor , and nothing to do at all .
27 And they espouse causes and strike attitudes , and then after a while when they get old they think what-the-hell , and they start doing what they like and nothing matters at all .
28 And Joe waited , cruelly , and nothing happened at the other end of the line .
29 ‘ Everyone was looking for reasons why he left us and no-one appreciated at the time that his health was suffering .
30 An me tremble at de knees
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