Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] work in " in BNC.

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1 Specialisation could be in terms of industry , for instance , financial services ; experience in a particular area of banking ; in high technology ; in consumer products ; in working for the international general consultancies ; or in working in chemicals , engineering or pharmaceuticals .
2 Many of the South-Asians responded to this crisis by organising self-employment or by working in new small or medium sized businesses set up , owned and run by members of their own communities or by members of extended families .
3 Promotion is awarded to the person who demonstrates they are the most suitable for the advertised vacancy and for working in the higher grade .
4 John Fowles , a student of French literature while at university , talks in The French Lieutenant 's Woman of ‘ the lessons of existentialist philosophy ’ ( Fowles 1969 and 1977 : 63 ) and of working in ‘ the age of Alain Robbe-Grillet and Roland Barthes … the theoreticians of the nouveau roman ’ ( p. 188 ) .
5 The stimulus of individual and group recovery and of working in the professional field of addictive disease and recovery is that each new discovery brings not only its own understanding and rewards but also the promise of more .
6 We will gain further market share by promoting the unique Wimpol package of services to new market sectors and by working in new locations in those regions .
7 It is only by establishing and maintaining development programmes and by working in conjunction with families , with communities and with governments that we can begin to achieve lasting improvements which tackle the root causes of the poverty and inequality that threaten so many children .
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