Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] work [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A minor may sue for wages , piece work or for work as a servant ( s 47 of the 1984 Act ) , but apart from this a person under disability may not bring or defend proceedings , or counter-claim , except if a plantiff by his next friend or if a defendant by a guardian ad litem ( Ord 10 , r 1(1) , ( 2 ) ) .
2 The Down 's Syndrome Association desperately need volunteers to give up a few hours before or after work on Thursday June 24 to help them collect donations at mainline stations .
3 As most of us have to work to earn a living , the short winter days limit our riding considerably and leave us with the choice of riding before or after work in the dark or only at weekends , unless you are lucky enough to have access to an indoor school .
4 While waiting we watched a small number of trusted prisoners in ragged white cotton shirts , shorts and head-dress come and go apparently freely through the outer gate , engaged in errands or in work in the nearby gardens .
5 You should have some success when dealing with practical or financial matters at the start of the month , but what comes to light either personally or at work on the 12th or 16th may leave you feeling deflated .
6 If there are any problems you can contact me at home ( 0995 ) 604755 or at work on ( 0524 ) 593786 between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. ( except Wednesdays ) .
7 It can cause severe problems at home or at work for you , your family and others .
8 It can cause severe problems at home or at work for you , your family and others .
9 and off work for a week at first .
10 The gundogs were primarily for picking up at pheasant shoots and for work on my own shoot , but one of them , a Springer spaniel , was also used for hunting out rough-lying rabbits and also for retrieving shot rabbits from difficult situations .
11 He describes how in the midst of turning around Ebury Press to a £5 million enterprise , she would still wake up early enough to devote the early morning hours and after work to their children , Georgia , four , and Grace , one .
12 As long as those who use the concept of structured dependency continue to make the automatic association of retirement with dependency , and of work with independence , they will continue to bolster conservative notions of the competitive work ethic .
13 Pat Kennedy is a physiotherapist and physical educationalist with a vast experience of teaching and of work with the elderly and disabled .
14 Egon Zehnder has a not dissimilar approach , but a more cautious and longer-term perspective , putting quality of people and of work above everything else and truly trying to build a worldwide firm with a recognisable cultural identity .
15 Close account has also been taken of a Scottish Office Education Department report , Core skills by design , and of work in the rest of the UK .
16 The canon of literature as currently studied has , in some respects , expanded enormously , by the introduction of contemporary literature , of American and other anglophone literatures , and of work by marginalized social groups .
17 Cole had emphasized the relationships with landsurfaces of different age and character , but to demonstrate exactly how ecological processes were manifested it was necessary to focus upon the interrelationships of all factors in the savanna ecological system and therefore the dynamic ecology was a feature of the University of McGill Rupununi Savanna Research project ( Hills , 1965 , 1974 ) and of work by Eden ( 1964 , 1974 ) .
18 Labour costs per head are still 50 per cent above Scandinavian levels but are falling steadily and with work for the next two years all Govan now needs is a substantial new order before the middle of 1994 to ensure its future .
19 A REPORT in Money-Go-Round on March 14 suggested incorrectly that company car users may include travel to and from work as part of their business mileage when calculating tax liabilities .
20 The wastes include leftovers from the reprocessing of spent fuel from nuclear power plants , from isotope production and from work at research establishments .
21 It is common for reviewers to cite evidence of effects on physical pathology from a study by Cassel ( 1976 ) who reported an increased prevalence of hypertension and stroke in groups deficient in social supports , and from work by Berkman and Syme ( 1979 ) who reported a raised mortality among adults deficient in social ties in a sample of 6,928 individuals studied prospectively over a nine-year period .
22 Travel to and from work in the city costs on average £15 a week , then there 's the council tax , which , depending on where you live , can cost from £10 to £20 a week .
23 You need to look at others with new eyes , to look at the people within your home and at work in a different way .
24 The publication of a new book , The Other Side : 1972–1992 , coincided with a show at the Galerie des DAAD in Berlin this year , and selected works , which reveal trans-sexuals and transvestites at home and at work in bars , will be featured at Capitain .
25 Approximately a quarter of those unemployed 12 months ago but in work on the survey date were employed on a temporary basis , compared to just over three per cent of those in employment at both dates .
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