Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] [adv] she " in BNC.

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1 He 'd found her , he said , and next day he 'd either lay siege to the place , or boldly batter on the door and ask for her hand in marriage — or at least her something else in something else !
2 The pilot of the future will fly by the flick of her Macintosh mouse — or at least she will gain access to vital information she needs by that means , following that agreement between Apple Computer Inc and Honeywell Inc 's Minneapolis-based Honeywell Air Transport Systems Division .
3 ‘ I do n't actually care where she is , ’ said Camille , beginning to lose her fragile temper , ‘ but Mum does , or at least she says she does — she cares about everyone , do n't you , Mum ?
4 Or at least she tried .
5 She does that sometimes , or at least she did until I started locking her door .
6 erm or at least she used to when she was in the hospital .
7 She 's worried any of them could be killed … and for now she can only wait for the missing cat to return
8 The dream drifted away , and for once she had pen and paper , made a cigarette and wrote until the alarm went off .
9 I glanced up at Granny 's picture and for once she seemed to be smiling .
10 Now it had come and for once she was tongue-tied .
11 Her thoughts were sad and for once she did n't try to correct their melancholic turn .
12 So did I , thought Juliet , and for once she was glad to get back to the ward .
13 On the other hand her measurement around her tum was 44 inches and from here she lost 5 inches .
14 Her cruel circumstances conspired to put her into a remand home at 14 — and from there she went to an adolescent unit , until the age of 17 .
15 So good were her father 's hints and tips that she was appointed official yearbook photographer at high school and from there she went on to study applied photography at college .
16 and from there she took the upper hand .
17 So good were her father 's hints and tips that she was appointed official yearbook photographer at high school and from there she went on to study applied photography at college .
18 When the evening had ended she 'd disappeared into the pub toilet and from there she 'd disappeared , full stop .
19 Soon she came by the local gymnasium , and then the local Cedok tourist office , and from there she turned into a part which she was growing more familiar with , and in no time found she was back in the colonnade area .
20 Her first stop was a house in Dudley Road , New Brighton , and from there she was going to Bedford Drive , Rock Ferry , and The Wiend , Birkenhead as well as Grange Cottage , Little Storeton Lane , Birkenhead .
21 It was incredible , and until today she 'd never experienced anything remotely like it .
22 And until now she 'd been naïvely pleased with the result .
23 er There 's a young girl in Didcot itself er her parents are known socially to the blokes at the fire brigade ; she , she suffers from cerebral palsy , she 's eight years old , and until recently she 's been going out on bike rides with her father on a child seat , but as you know kids grow up , they grow out of things , therefore she ca n't do it any more .
24 She 's already provided the couple with a tape of tribal fertility dances to ‘ release endorphins in the pelvic region ’ and before long she 's going on about the healing properties of dolphins .
25 The cat , delighted that its ordeal was over , burrowed under the covers like a furry hot-water bottle , and although Mildred had only meant to sit and get warm , within a few minutes her eyelids began to droop , and before long she was fast asleep — so fast asleep that she did not hear the door opening very quietly .
26 She came to a wealthier part of the town where the streets were quieter , and before long she had reached her destination .
27 That is the normal pattern of development , and before long she will be able to know in advance — and then let you know .
28 Sandie 's true ambitions ran away from the desperate rat race and since then she had been content to dabble , treating her music as an entertaining sideline .
29 In February 1990 , she was captured and fitted with a radio transmitter ( renewed in September this year ) , and since then she has provided researchers with more than 200 sightings , allowing them to plot an unusually detailed account of her daily movements .
30 But that calculation had gone up in smoke with the original letter , and since then she must have bitterly regretted her rashness .
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