Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] [noun pl] who " in BNC.

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1 Villa-Flotilla is yachting for novices , for families seeking a compromise , or for friends who like variety .
2 A copy of the Regulations is available from Her Majesty 's Stationery Office or through booksellers who can also supply the Regulations about front seat belt wearing and child rear seat passengers .
3 Venturing to propound a law of intellectual life , I suggest that evaluative criticism enters institutional literary study under the influence of practising writers , or of critics who have a close discipular relation to them , but that in time it is rejected , like an alien organ .
4 ( 2 ) 5.282 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1970 ( now 5.414 of the income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 ) defines , with certain exceptions , a close company as a company under the control of five or fewer participators or of participators who are directors .
5 Once you are in the habit of reviewing it can be done , alone or with others who participated in the experience , in about five minutes fiat .
6 These comments suggest that the test is unlikely to be useful as a screening instrument but , when used in conjunction with other tests or with children who have already been identified as having language difficulties , it may assist in the generation of a balanced assessment of a child 's strengths and weaknesses .
7 Examples would be night-workers or in travellers who have arrived recently from other continents .
8 Note 62/3/2 in The Supreme Court Practice 1991 explains that rule 3(2) only applies to a right of a party to recover costs ‘ from any other party to the proceedings ’ and will not apply to the right of a mortgagee to retain costs out of a mortgaged property on redemption or to any other contractual right to costs out of a fund or from persons who are not parties to the proceedings .
9 They could purchase land from owners who refused to sell for development or from builders who wished to retain it for future development .
10 At least by the eleventh century every king expected to recruit a part of his army by paying mercenaries , or from knights who received a fee not in land , but in cash ; though he did his best to make his great nobles provide contingents for which he did not have to pay , or ( at least in the twelfth century ) pay him in cash if they did not serve him in person .
11 Yet language is too important to be left either to amateurs who know British education but know only a little about language , or to professionals who know much about language but have little close contact with British education .
12 Crucially , it seems likely that the Indian budget next March will abolish exchange controls on the rupee and there are also moves to lessen the swingeing import taxes on works of art into the country which has currently restricted much purchasing in London sales to NRI 's non resident Indians or to collectors who keep their works of art outside the country .
13 Bull says it offers Unikix and BOS/tp to suit different needs , or to users who want both , under its Distributed Computing Model .
14 Some gave handouts in cash or kind , sometimes to specific groups such as widows , orphans , the unemployed or to Jews who converted to Christianity , sometimes to anyone in visible need .
15 The paper says that former IBM chief outside auditor Donald Chandler of Price Waterhouse & Co wrote in a 1988 memo that IBM was reporting revenues that it might never realise by booking sales when products were shipped — to its own warehouses for onward staging to customers , or to dealers who could return them .
16 ‘ It appears to me that the whole question is governed by the broad , general , universal principle that English legislation , unless the contrary is expressly enacted or so plainly implied as to make it the duty of an English court to give effect to an English statute , is applicable only to English subjects or to foreigners who by coming into this country , whether for a long or a short time , have made themselves during that time subject to English jurisdiction .
17 ‘ Put into the language of today , the general principle being there stated is simply that , unless the contrary is expressly enacted or so plainly implied that the courts must give effect to it , United Kingdom legislation is applicable only to British subjects or to foreigners who by coming to the United Kingdom , whether for a short or a long time , have made themselves subject to British jurisdiction .
18 Rather they are ‘ boundary crossers ’ or ‘ generalists ’ who move across fields or among sectors who bypass what everybody else is looking at to find possibilities for change .
19 can be used by individuals or by groups who want to grow in knowing Jesus .
20 Having been reduced now to travelling on foot , he could not make the return journey to Bristol in a day , and Sara too often found herself left lonely and uneasy in a cottage whose attractions were not increased by the coming of winter , or by neighbours who were ‘ a little too tattling and inquisitive ’ .
21 Thus the papers are relieved by the new , softer , explicitly pacifist and green hip-hop , like De La Soul ; or by reformed characters ; or by rappers who turn out to be pillars of the community ( Run DMC funding Sunday schools , or KRS-One starting a Stop The Violence campaign ) .
22 He was particularly worried about family law and about children who would not be protected if parents lost their right to legal aid .
23 It is designed for broadcast into the home and for viewers who may be studying on their own .
24 Second , the age at which people marry is closely related to their ability to set up an independent household , and for women who married under the age of 20 the numbers sharing accommodation with relatives changed little between the 1950s and the 1970s ( Holman , 1981 ) .
25 And for women who work less than 16 hours per week ( as do the majority of women in West Belfast ) the legislation does not cover them ; there is no obligation to monitor those working under 16 hours per week !
26 I 've been particularly interested in the clumsy child , who has co-ordination , rhythm and timing difficulties , and I have written a booklet which is now available for parents and for teachers who are interested , for the age range five years to eleven years , which gives parents exercises to carry out with their children to encourage the child in overcoming difficulties with co-ordination , rhythm , timing , and to help them with speaking , writing and reading remediation .
27 And for Americans who can not get enough , CNN has arranged for a gruelling daily schedule of Brinkley on four other topics : food , travel , showbiz and health — laughingly titled Living In The Nineties .
28 The British Refugee Council urgently needs your support for its vital work with and for exiles who seek a new life here .
29 Riding holidays are organised for unaccompanied children who stay in the farmhouse and for adults who stay in the village in the Old Thistle Inn .
30 For clinicians who wanted to practise their skills and for nurses who needed the job satisfaction of returning patients to the community , there would be an uphill task with an entirely chronic and elderly population .
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