Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] 's [conj] " in BNC.

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1 And that 's while he was telling me that he wanted his Harley Street centre to offer a rape examination suite .
2 The typical user of Ami Pro or Word for Windows spends more time putting in pretty fonts and graphics — and that 's after they 've customized the toolbars and the screen colours and …
3 And that 's after she 's supposed to have put a curse on him !
4 Before I finish I I just wonder whether I could put one point to the county and that 's whether in the absence of a strategic exceptions policy in the structure plan , they would allow the borough council to include the type of policy we 're seeking in our district wide local plan bearing in mind that some of the considerations in involved are of a strategic nature .
5 And that 's before you even see his dining room .
6 And that 's before they go on to discuss what has been dubbed ‘ Agenda 21 ’ , a comprehensive greenprint for transforming the world economy .
7 It is estimated to cost in excess of £20,000 to run a car like McHale 's Celica GT4 or the Subarus of Fisher and McKinstry on a rally as long and demanding as this year 's 1,200 mile Circuit — and that 's before the cars are put back together again after a five-day pounding on some of the toughest roads in Ireland .
8 And that 's before they could hear it .
9 And that 's before they could hear it .
10 And that 's and that 's us .
11 And er I 've been there all my life and that 's and that 'll be eighty seven years old come May and er I 've just worked on the farm all my days and er then of course when my people died I just er stayed myself , and then lived with other people here and there , just to help them .
12 And that 's And er it was the railway men not coming out on strike that caused the collapse of the strike .
13 And that 's and that 's in hours .
14 So my suggestion and this is only a suggestion , the beards which in the past have been interpreted as a kind of erm epigrammatic signal , in other words a kind of erm sign on the face of the male as they 're deceived , my guess is that , th that beards may actually have evolved to protect the throat because erm the critical thing in , in killing somebody is to block the , the windpipe and that 's and in fact even , even lions do this , you saw in the film when a lion kills an antelope or something , he does n't go to all the trouble of making horrible gashes , he grabs the , the windpipe and holds on until the antelope or whatever it is is just er
15 I thought we 're gon na so we came out of Paul 's place , behind Belmont Parade , up past the ponds there and that 's and I 'm knackered , I 'm going up river , had no you start at the bottom of Belmont Parade , up those ponds up to the traffic lights where you change buses , that 's all up hill and it 's slow , and you 've just started and you 're not warm and it 's like running out of here , running up that hill there , now you could run up that hill if you got , if you had sort of round a couple of times round nice , no one so more ready to go , you 'd run up there , you come out of here , run down here , not warm , feel you get , well I come out of there and , and you get , you go up past that set of traffic lights , you go up and you 're still struggling past The Bull , that 's still up hill , you get to the , just round that bend and it starts dropping down , and it 's a gradual drop down , below the roundabout and the next roundabout 's pretty level there , not too bad a roundabout , right the way across to Scades Hill , went down Scades Hill , right the way down to Alton , bottom of Alton high street , came out by the toilets at White Hart to High Street , up to house .
16 they give you and that 's and that 's
17 And that 's and a , and a paratha but I du n no what they are , we have n't had those I must admit .
18 erm and that 's and industry that , you know , we need to support locally .
19 You just just sign there and that 's cos they ca n't use the tapes without your permission even though they 're destroyed .
20 The erm , yes these and it started to be like warfare more than a game you know at that stage but hopefully now we 're getting back to some sort of sanity with the membership cards you know , because we , the crowd is segregated from the away supporters now and that 's cos if Walsall go into the second division again they 'll have to spend so much I believe on the ground to cage the away supporters in which they do n't have to do in the third division .
21 Now there is only one way I can do eyebrows , and that 's if the person lies on my lap .
22 And that 's if the Eastwood camp can persuade WBC mandatory number one challenger , Kevin Kelly , to stand back rather than be forced to go to New York to take him on .
23 And that 's if there are no hitches .
24 This will increase the disorder of the universe by about twenty million million million million units — or about ten million million million times the increase in order in your brain — and that 's if you remember everything in this book .
25 But if and that 's if they were attendance
26 They 'll not be co they 're not coming for , at all at the beginning of April , and that 's if , it 's not that long .
27 I said and that 's if for me I said parting company if we go to dinner we stay together !
28 Firstly effect on regeneration of the di diversionary investment which would be likely to arise , and that 's as has been already mentioned , that 's contrary to the Strategic Guidance for West Yorkshire .
29 It looks like 16mm film because it 's Kodak Gold and that 's because I wanted it to look like good-quality home snaps as opposed to a kind of beautiful , arty shot .
30 There 's hardly anyone doing anything new and that 's because the people who are making this music have n't got any emotion and drive to do anything .
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