Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] they were " in BNC.

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1 She and her friends seldom discussed the concept of happiness : when they were not either bored or depressed they were having a good time and enjoying themselves .
2 Of course , in the 1960s or 1970s they were less likely to be called projects : they were ‘ schemes ’ , or ‘ plans ’ , all very redolent of the ‘ planning ’ of the public sector , indeed of all economic life in those Wilsonian days .
3 Yet the political authority was to an extent dependent on the company 's sources of information , however suspect or inadequate they were seen to be ; according to one civil servant interviewed , the PSO requirement was ‘ basically calculated by taking on trust the figures which RENFE gave ’ .
4 Most of the er riveting squads were friends or cousins or all They were all
5 They said , they erm they said something or other they were going to be closing down somewhere in Cornwall because the Directory Enquiry service was not being used
6 Perpendicular without intermission , taking steps of the same length at the same intervals , their arms hanging useless and helpless they were no better than trussed chickens but for their faces which , even in repose , suggested movement no less than a bird 's wings … .
7 I know these boots we bought off him they were three pound twelve and six they were .
8 Seven and six they were .
9 He said nice things about the children — how brave and clever they were — and then he sat down .
10 Between 1957 and 1960 they were fitted with the large single indicator box , which did not suit their designs .
11 In both 1845 and 1862 they were encouraged to assist their education by the same means , and the 1870 Act created school boards and the London Schools Board .
12 If this is the perceived basis of conservatism , then there is a problem for these Young Conservatives : by and large they were not ambitiously greedy , nor were they the ‘ high-flyers ’ the councillor had talked glowingly about .
13 Now I was at a wedding a little while back and all they were asking me was are you gon na be the next one ?
14 Now they were thinner and leaner and much dirtier and all they were taking with them were the torn and grubby clothes they stood up in .
15 Well they were suitable and cheaper they were too blooming cheap for the they were usually condemned by the time we got them .
16 I recalled how sane and healthy they were , and I contrasted them with the fiends with whom I had to deal in 1816 !
17 As women escalated their campaign of militant action in 1912 and 1913 they were acutely conscious that male attitudes-deeply embedded in the legal profession , the police and the courts-sustained not just men 's political power but also women 's sexual oppression .
18 D'Arcy thought how clear and green and beautiful they were .
19 Green and overeager they were distinctly optimistic to their clients over the telephone .
20 I think that often people did n't realise how tired and desperate they were until they 'd sat with her for a while .
21 Rosemary Sandford of Darlington Association on Disability , said they were saddened and disappointed they were not given the opportunity to express their views at the meeting .
22 Frostbite forced them to abandon the expedition.In 1988 and 1989 they were defeated by freak weather conditions .
23 Bright-eyed and curly-tailed they were .
24 Then a police car pulled in behind , then another one , and four lovely bobbies got out and told the Americans — well , they must have been Americans , and huge they were — to put their guns away or be disarmed .
25 As I 've got older I realize much more how important and significant they were .
26 Yeah , but all they were interested in that shop in
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