Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] child who " in BNC.

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1 In my judgment , therefore , the court exercising the inherent jurisdiction in relation to a 16- or 17-year-old child who is not mentally incompetent will , as a matter of course , ascertain the wishes of the child and will approach its decision with a strong predilection to give effect to the child 's wishes .
2 Initial toilet training attempts in a toddler or preschool child who resisted toilet sitting was discouraged .
3 A week ago I saw a monkey in the street jump on a donkey and try to wank him off — the donkey brayed and kicked , the monkey 's owner shouted , the monkey itself squealed — apart from two or three children who laughed and me who found it very funny , no one paid any attention .
4 If you receive payment for looking after one or more children who are not related to you , for 2 hours or more per day , then you should , by law , register with your local Social Services Department .
5 the court may in accordance with law grant a dissolution of the marriage provided that the court is satisfied that adequate and proper provision having regard to the circumstances will be made for any dependant spouse and for any child of or any child who is dependent on either spouse .
6 At this time the Party especially urged its officials to set an example to the country by rescuing orphaned or abandoned children who were destitute as a result of war and , in Moldavia , famine .
7 Three men and a boy were shot dead and , when tents were set ablaze , two women and eleven children who had hidden in an underground cellar , were suffocated by smoke .
8 They were to have a son and a daughter , and another child who died shortly after birth .
9 ‘ Yousefi has a wife and three children who will of course suffer the same fate if the Home Secretary 's decision is to deport him . ’
10 Pre versus post vaccination GMTs at 4–6 weeks of all three poliovirus types also increased significantly among 6-month-old and 9-month-old children who received IPV , with smaller increases among those who received OPV ( figs 1 and 2 ) .
11 Many courts rubber stamp them and those children who like being in secure units may not press to leave .
12 erm well I mean I think there 's a problem for adults as well as children in that we I do n't think it 's helpful to cover ourselves in guilt about erm what happens to the suffering that other people experience , arguably erm in order to maintain us in the living standards , you know , we 've learned to expect , but at the same time I think that the situation in the world is only tolerable to us psychologically because on some level we convince ourselves that erm those people who are starving and those children who are in a hysterically trying to keep themselves out of the way of shrapnel and hiding night after night in freezing cold shelters in Baghdad are not really people and not really children in the same way that we 're people and our children are children , and do n't feel things in the same way .
13 Despite the image of the inward-turned family , however , wider kinship connections continue to be important , especially the relationship between parents and older children who no longer live with them .
14 Infants dying of sudden infant death syndrome included 229 Maoris , 240 non-Maoris , and 16 children who could not be assigned to an ethnic group .
15 Blind and disabled children who flow through his home are encouraged to feel the fish as a tactile experience .
16 At the same time , the new accent on ‘ community care ’ means that elderly people and disabled children who have reached a certain level of dependency and inability to cope — and who would once have gone into hospital or residential care — are now encouraged to remain at home .
17 Our day cruises visit sandy and colourful beaches , served by camels , restaurants , and small children who appear from nowhere selling dishes of fruit .
18 It is , alas , the spoiled and wilful child who makes whips and bloodshed take the place of wisdom and social interest !
19 ‘ Wagamama ’ means a stupid and wilful child who winds up his parents .
20 Steps are being taken to provide more secure places for the unruly and disturbed children who would otherwise disrupt community homes and reappear before the courts .
21 Diagnosis and management after life threatening events in infants and young children who received cardiopulmonary resuscitation
22 Editor , — Martin P Samuels and colleagues ' paper on diagnosis and management after life threatening events in infants and young children who received cardiopulmonary resuscitation suffers from the fact that the hospital provides a tertiary referral service and probably sees problematic cases .
23 And other children who go to the E N T clinic , and go to the
24 and that obviously they would be tend to be other children with mother 's there so they would need perhaps a play facility there and other children who goes to the E N T clinic can go to the not just go to the outpatients casualty
25 Deaf and dumb children who could manage by self-teaching alone through their eyes to make themselves useful and a source of income to their parents did not often find their way into the asylums .
26 Some time later this ‘ incorrigible rogue ’ was taken to court for running away and leaving his wife and four children who became a charge on the parish of Felmersham .
27 One of the more than a hundred and thirty children who die that way every year .
28 I also have more than a thought for the people who do have homes but who are living in conditions of appalling squalor , for battered wives and abused children who stay at home because there 's nowhere safe for them to go , and for the husbands who choose to stay with their families in the north rather than abandon them for crazy periods of time because they could find work only in the south , And while we 're on the subject , I 'm sick and tired of listening to government and commerce saying it 's ‘ uneconomic ’ to locate businesses in the north of Britain when we 're currently importing billions of pounds ’ worth of consumer goods from the other side of the world .
29 ‘ I have but one child who is stubborn and a liar , and that is Marie , ’ she would tell strangers or neighbours .
30 She has a strong , engaging personality and is in many ways a resilient , but sensitive child who thrives on adult attention and who can communicate her feelings and needs effectively .
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