Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] this case " in BNC.

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1 → When you buy goods or equipment you have a legal right to expect them to comply with any description applied : leather not plastic , solid wood and not veneer , or in this case a ‘ 67 and not a 1974 model .
2 As Henry Ford said , you can only have it in black , or in this case , with one option — clear .
3 This in turn was derived from the word ‘ ecu ’ which meant a shield , or in this case , a shelter .
4 Finally , he makes considerable use of ‘ natural experiments ’ , the sociological , or in this case literary , device , of studying those natural contrasts which crop up from time to time .
5 Then the stockholders vote on or in this case rubberstamp the deal .
6 ( 1961 ) identified , whereby students embark idealistically on their courses , hoping to become good doctors ( or in this case physicists ) , but soon abandon this ideal in favour of the short-term goal of passing examinations .
7 Whatever the outcome , this is one play where you can truly say it is n't over till the fat lady ( or in this case , the fat man ) sings .
8 What emerged was that a well-diversified portfolio ( or in this case a well diversified fund ) should have eliminated the greater part of non-market risk .
9 I had decided when in Rome to do as the Romans or in this case , more appropriately , when in Babylon do as the Babylonians — no , I do n't mean I 'm having orgies in the servants ’ quarters , or letting Gooseneck have his way with me .
10 Or in this case , Armstrong .
11 Or in this case , wimmin .
12 to be delivered in one statement show you what the chances are you 'll be doing it anyway but not erm what you are actually doing purpose you 'll always be followed by a tentative benefit always be followed by cheque standing or in this case tell me how does that .
13 And the special Gollop poll is changing by the minute , with the usual sprinkling of do n't knows , or in this case , doughnut knows .
14 It does n't matter if it 's Formula One , or in this case , an electrically driven disabled scooter and manually powered wheelchair .
15 Being trained , Wolfe knew what to do but she was struck by the sense of panic that engulfs any parent when a child is suddenly threatened with pain or in this case , death .
16 ANOTHER tale of derring do , or in this case derring did n't .
17 In other words , by agreeing the Merseyside motion , or in this case , three eight eight , and three eight nine , the democratic process would be complete .
18 The forces produced in the individual on such occasions , in what Jung ( 1964 ) calls a ‘ journey to individuation ’ , manifest themselves in a number of very persuasive ways and in this case led to some radical reassessments of the existing moral , philosophic , political , and aesthetic order .
19 In a notebook , beneath the underlined word ‘ tone ’ and ‘ NB ’ penned three times , Dostoevsky has written among other jottings ‘ summer , dust , mortar ’ ; and in this case the man and the artist are at one .
20 However , a writer does n't need to have a publisher , and in this case the writer would receive the entire sum .
21 Are these pictures simply transcriptions of power , in which the hard approach is mixed with the soft , and the Church is allied with the State ( and in this case hinting as well , not just at the foreigner 's domination of the native inhabitants but also at class conflict within colonial society , since the angel is a mélange of Spanish and Inca aristocracies ) ?
22 A proviso for re-entry in the event of the tenant 's assigning or underletting the premises without the lessor 's consent was sometimes enforced in the most oppressive way ; but , under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1927 , a proviso that the consent is not to be unreasonably withheld is implied ; and in this case , and in other cases , with one or two exceptions , the courts have power to give relief to the tenant .
23 To Catholics , and indeed most Christians , there is one sin that stands head and shoulders above all the rest , and that is sex — thinking about it , and in this case , writing about it .
24 Some hotel rooms can take a fourth bed , and in this case the second child will receive a discount of 25% .
25 It is common for funding to be split between books and periodicals , since these two types of material are acquired in different ways , and in this case book finding is almost always further subdivided by subject .
26 Justice is not served and in this case the damages seem irrelevant .
27 This is particularly true if the ground cover is open immediately around the pit , and in this case , species that inhabit thick ground cover ( such as the bank vole ) are less likely to fall in ( Armitage , 1985 ) .
28 This is also similar to the type of damage defined on Table 3.10 , and in this case 16.3 per cent of the teeth are damaged in this way .
29 In many instances , pellet formation is stimulated by the availability of the next meal ( Chitty , 1938 ) , with the previous meal being regurgitated even if not fully digested in order to leave room for the next and in this case it seems likely that the initial level of pH would be higher than normal .
30 Similar damage is seen on insectivore teeth ( Fig. 3.18 J ) , and in this case the digestion is greatest along the exposed edge of the enamel-dentine junction , progressing up into the crown of the tooth .
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