Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] had get " in BNC.

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1 And no , I should n't worry about it as Fenella had cleared it up before Frank and Salome had got home .
2 They had been caught playing mother and father in the hay rick and Tristram had got into trouble for it and Uncle Harry had said evil things and called her mother a whore .
3 Authors had to economize in the number of illustrations they used , and readers had to get into the habit of turning a number of pages to find a relevant picture .
4 Ken and Codron had got together professionally in the first place because of what he called their ‘ Grill and Cheese relationship ’ .
5 In the meantime the scandal had received such widespread publicity that every collector in Moscow and Leningrad had got to know of it , and they were all afraid of having anything to do with me .
6 She said it 's a big , big cut off , if your phone rings you 're out , so of course the phone were ringing , then it went to one in post , no it never , it went first from Ann from Lynnette then to Ann and then it went to Kathy and then it went to erm somebody else and then it come to me but I 've got seven hundred thousand pounds worth of money on my desk that I were banking and Jane had got that job and Jane was on post in cash cos she ai n't got a job cos that thing with them shoes did n't take off and do you know
7 McStay and Grant had got the better of Hamilton and McGinlay while Slater and Collins were more effective than Lennon and Wright on the flanks .
8 We bought , we bought him a load of revision books erm from Smith 's er not for maths but for chemistry , biology , physics , ma , not maths something else , Cherry went and bought four of them and Helen had got one for French anyway , so we told him he 's got to erm get down to some serious
9 I just do n't feel that you know , she 's basically taken Robert back last night , that was very kind of her and all that , she said oh it 's been nice to have him and erm but er Oliver and Robert had got on really well and erm that 's all really .
10 He wondered how many of the bits and pieces had got there ; especially the room full of empty bird cages or the room lined with different coloured pencil sharpenings .
11 So Jane found it easy to ask Flora — whom she found honest and direct — how she and Alastair had got together .
12 So , he was in London on some business or other and had simply dropped by to tell her that Jeff and Silvia had got engaged .
13 England made a decent 217 , with 68 from Boycott and 59 from Gower ; but after Greenidge and Haynes had got half-way to the target , Richards , who had missed the first match , played as only he can .
14 After all , Bridget had put her in touch with Geoffrey , and Geoffrey had got her into Puddephat 's rooms .
15 A pot of coffee was spilled , and Sara had to get a damp cloth for the trousers of one of the visitors , who was involved in an unwise pretense that he had n't actually been asleep .
16 Well I suppose a very junior clerk , the first job I was given was , well it 's unheard of in this day and age but what they had was what they call a bundi clock and there every driver and conductor had got a key that was inserted in this clock and on it was his personal number , well when he reported for duty , he inserted this key into the clock , turned the handle and stamped on to a piece of paper , a roll of paper , his number and the time he reported and the next day it was my job to go through and record from this piece of paper how many minutes they were late f reporting for duty and if they erm were more than , I think about three or four minutes we had to send them a memo telling them , that 's how things were in those days that people were , they toed the line or else .
17 George enjoyed military detail and Maxim had got lucky with the library .
18 It was about sex — not about sexual politics — but another show was about to go on the road , and Oz had got there first .
19 Ellie had barely started her own meal , but now she and Patsy had to get up , as was their required duty , to collect all the dirty crockery and bring in the pudding .
20 They refused still to attend the kirk and word had got around that they had been married by ‘ The Prophet ’ .
21 He had a bit of a chip on his shoulder because he felt that other people who were not so good but who had the right background and connections had gotten ahead of him .
22 He told her he and Mallachy had got involved ‘ through Mallachy 's big mouth ’ in a late-club row up the Malone Road where some students had been blowing off their mouths over politics and religion , and it had almost come to blows .
23 Then they 'd returned to the stable and George had got back to the House about midnight .
24 Yanto 's father had got hell from the harbour master and Yanto had got hell from his old man .
25 He and Compeyson had got a lot of money out of a rich lady some years before , and Arthur kept dreaming of this lady .
26 And erm my father and Michael had got to know the maids in in the Plas but Michael had grabbed the the the the good looking of the parlour maid and my father had to make do with the cook .
27 ‘ It sold two and a half thousand copies very quickly and Lime had to get more pressed .
28 Within an hour Allan , Donald the smith , and the Logan brothers had set off down the strath to Weem with the petitions in a leather wallet , to add to the already thick bunch in James 's strong-box , and Cameron and James had got horses from a sympathizer in the village and rode off towards the narrow glen of Keltney .
29 Partridge had got all angry and upset soon too because as he was struggling with Steven a magazine fell out of his trousers on to the towpath of the canal and the other men had picked it up and it had been a spanking magazine so all the other men who were n't laughing and shouting already started teasing partridge ; Partridge started trying to wrestle Steven to the ground but Steven had got free and clouted the other man with the shovel , which was still bloody from hacking the cat to bits , and after that , with the magazine coming apart as the other men grabbed at it and Partridge rolling about dazed on the towpath in the cat 's blood and almost falling into the canal , Dan Ashton had said soberly that enough was enough and they 'd better go and see Mr Smith the supervisor because they just could n't go on like this .
30 I was n't sure I wanted to hear any more , but Oliver had got hold of my sleeve again .
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