Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] in it " in BNC.

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1 Never drink untreated water … never brush your teeth with it … do n't wash fruit or vegetables in it , avoid suspect ice-cubes . ’
2 In his imaginative play , the child in part creates a world of his own and the creatures or objects in it .
3 Shelley gazed as he sang , wondering if Dr Rafaelo had been right in saying that this act was only showmanship , with no genuine feeling or emotion in it .
4 I suggest that the Labour and particularly Liberal feel , think very carefully about the quality of service that is provided by this county er council cos at the moment there is neither justice or equity in it .
5 This is defined as : A state of visual acceptability , related to the absence of dirt , where the level of dirt remaining neither significantly impairs nor prevents the function of the area or equipment in it nor gives rise to contamination of food .
6 Or ruggitis in it !
7 Killing someone was one thing , but this was worse ; there was no honour or morality in it at all .
8 Everyone knows — except the depraved and corrupt — that obscenity depraves and corrupts all who condone or delight in it … but when a jury hears [ that ] they must decide whether , taken as a whole , it has a tendency to deprave and corrupt … they are easily bewildered and confused … .
9 Do you want tonic water or lemonade in it ?
10 It is a poem which uses plain , simple language and he holds it together using onomatopoeia and effective rhyme but you do not feel as if there is one definite clear-cut image or message in it .
11 In such models one finds that as the universe expands , any matter or radiation in it gets cooler .
12 I think there 's about seventy or women in it , but there used to be must have been about , maybe about eighty or ninety women
13 Once or twice she looked into her sister 's book , but it had no pictures or conversations in it .
14 Prima facie , therefore , a charge to capital gains tax will arise on any transfer by the husband to the wife of the former matrimonial home or of his share or interest in it .
15 I could have no place nor part in it .
16 There is no real security in it , no decency , no faith , hope nor charity in it
17 I do little but rest and try to put this house into some sort of order but as yet there is neither pleasure nor profit in it .
18 It 's not , it 's not meant to have knife and forks in it .
19 Masklin watched a hand taller than he was reach down , close around a smaller bag with the toothpaste and flannel in it , and pull it out .
20 And however my person , and parts be meane in the Worlds Eye , and so may cast an odium upon the things that I hold forth ; yet I shall runne the hazard in that kinde , and leave the Lord to gain his own Honour and Glory in it ; as seeing by sweet experience , it is one of his greatest designes in the World , to confound the high and mighty things thereof , by the most meane and contemptible .
21 Can you think of any , erm names for a bar , it 's got nuts and raisins in it ?
22 Otherwise arrangements can sometimes be made with a reliable local resident , who has no garden of his own , to grow flowers and vegetables in it and share the produce with her .
23 The skill is in some danger of being lost , but I insist that there is so much fun and pleasure in it and the methods are so effective that it should never be allowed to die out .
24 ornamenting material by cutting small holes and shapes in it , usually to display a rich lining or under-garment of contrasting colour .
25 there will be difficulty in obtaining input data and uncertainty in it ; consider sensitivity analysis
26 It is a big job and a merry one ; and our friends and comrades in it are the best in the world .
27 So nitrate has got nitrogen and oxygen in it .
28 So just going back to these 'ates , sulphate has got sulphur and oxygen in it , a carbonate has got what ?
29 So what compounds do you know that have carbon and oxygen in it .
30 You will find little pleasure and relaxation in it , though , unless you are sure that your parent is happy and in safe hands .
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