Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] in school " in BNC.

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1 Any work done by our staff or volunteers in schools is wholly educational , enabling pupils to understand and find creative responses to world justice .
2 So you 're interested in , for example , teaching of subjects such as history or mathematics in schools and the evaluation in a total sense of this ?
3 Drawing extensively on teachers ' own reflections and comments he points to various external constraints that structure the tasks teachers are expected to perform , as well as those deriving from the organization of time , space and activities in schools themselves .
4 The educational implication is not that the contestation of caricatures of black histories and cultures in school texts should cease , but that it should not be premised on the stifling aesthetic of the positive image .
5 The various projects just described have investigated , and some are still investigating , the opportunities , the possibilities and the problems of information use and information skills , largely through assignments and projects in schools .
6 Attempts to highlight and remove differing forms of sexism , sexual inequalities and discrimination in schools have led to a range of policy statements and strategies from local education authorities and individual schools .
7 And surprisingly only one in five teenagers questioned had been taught about homosexuality and lesbianism in school .
8 It is an interesting reflection of the diversity of views and values in school that one of the readers of the first draft of this book commented on this letter : ‘ How sentimental !
9 Meanwhile at least one offspring of the NPA flourishes — the ‘ English Through Activity ’ programme in Swaziland , where I found similar activity and enthusiasm in schools , talked to a committed supervisor who saw her role entirely as getting her materials — including issues of English Ladybird books — to rural schools as efficiently as possible and of encouraging ‘ active learning ’ , ( but of what and why she took little heed ) .
10 To some degree , the racial abuse and violence in schools mirrors that meted out to black minorities in British cities more generally ( the anti-semitic parallels must again be recalled ) .
11 Willses have always advocated religious education and study in schools and colleges , believing , like the first Duke of Wellington , that if education is separated from religion ‘ you would get so many clever devils ’ .
12 As John Davies , Director of the Educational Publishers Council , points out , publishers should take on board legitimate public concern about racism and sexism in school and children 's books .
13 They are also a medium for promoting change and development in schools , and as such they need " managing " .
14 In terms of social class , sociologists since the 1970s have successfully revealed the power and class interests behind the acceptance of school art or school music as meaning the classics rather than pop or photography , and have shown that the unquestioned valuation of abstractness , ‘ pure ’ knowledge and literacy in school ( in preference to immediacy , ‘ applied ’ knowledge and practicality ) acts to promote the interests and skills of the dominant elite .
15 We were hastily dismissed and only then did the staff realise the problems caused by 984 pupils searching for shoes , bags and coats in school corridors that looked like the after-effects of an explosion in an Oxfam shop .
16 The aims are laudable , given the often grotesque caricatures of African , Asian and Arab histories and cultures ; the neglect of the destructive , exploitative effects of colonialism and imperialism in school texts and in popular cultural forms such as comics , adventure stories , adult fiction and the cinema ; and the absence of any serious treatment of resistance to imperial rule ( Mackenzie , 1984 , 1986 ; Klein , 1985 ) .
17 The Schools Council ( for curriculum and examinations ) , was established in 1964 by the Secretary of State for Education and Science as an independent body with the function of ‘ the promotion of education by carrying out research into , and keeping under review , curricula , teaching methods and examinations in schools ’ .
18 A case comes to hand of two children , a boy of 8 years and a 10-year-old girl , who broke into their local school and ‘ then completely wrecked the school furnishings ’ , and this was not the only instance of vandalism and arson in schools .
19 For most young children in that age group , the world 's a magic place and we traditionally like to teach them nature study and flowers and cuddly hamsters and rabbits in school , and that 's the nature table syndrome , and that 's great and I 'm not knocking that at all .
20 For most young children in that age group , the world 's a magic place and we traditionally like to teach them nature study and flowers and cuddly hamsters and rabbits in school , and that 's the nature table syndrome , and that 's great and I 'm not knocking that at all .
21 older people are involved as fellow students and teachers in schools ;
22 The agreement will also result in employers working more closely than before with students and teachers in schools and colleges , to broaden their understanding of the world of work .
23 The agreement will also result in employers working more closely than before with students and teachers in schools and colleges , to broaden their understanding of the world of work .
24 The agreement will also result in employers working more closely than before with students and teachers in schools and colleges , to broaden their understanding of the world of work .
25 The agreement will also result in employers working more closely than before with students and teachers in schools and colleges , to broaden their understanding of the world of work .
26 The agreement will also result in employers working more closely than before with students and teachers in schools and colleges , to broaden their understanding of the world of work .
27 The agreement will also result in employers working more closely than before with students and teachers in schools and colleges , to broaden their understanding of the world of work .
28 The agreement will also result in employers working more closely than before with students and teachers in schools and colleges , to broaden their understanding of the world of work .
29 The agreement will also result in employers working more closely than before with students and teachers in schools and colleges , to broaden their understanding of the world of work .
30 The agreement will also result in employers working more closely than before with students and teachers in schools and colleges , to broaden their understanding of the world of work .
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