Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] tell we " in BNC.

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1 Language provides the vehicle for this , and the syntax and content of the recall or response tell us much about the way the individual thinks and remembers .
2 Each tail movement or posture tells us ( and other cats ) something about the animal 's emotional condition and it is possible to draw up a ‘ de-coding key ’ , as follows :
3 Nothing about " what it is like " to see blue or red tells us which light has the longer wavelength .
4 When it 's all over around 2am , the crew celebrate with a drink or five upstairs , and Michaela tells us she 's just signed a record deal with London Records .
5 Our intuition and experience tells us that the division algorithm is clearly true .
6 We ate piroshky and bouillon and fragolli told us what sort of morning he had had negotiating the sale of girdles .
7 We are aiming to provide these two sets of things for the child in care , not as ends in themselves , but in order that children may develop a sense of their own self-worth , and research tells us that we have to get the balance right between these two important sets of needs for this end to be achieved .
8 Esler and Gregory told us that they were planning a report on Terry Waite 's anniversary in January and if we wanted publicity , they would interview us .
9 There may well have been something lacking in the lives of the millions but that need had to be catered for and the catering was done by the ingenious and indefatigable army of commercial opportunists whose energy and boldness tell us an enormous amount about that age .
10 Finally , while it could be argued that Greeley and Rossi tell us something of catholic versus state schooling in the US , they have nothing to tell us about catholic versus Christian , multi-denominational schools , which is what most of the argument in Ireland is about .
11 In the tent that night we eat smoked trout and Odd-Knut tells us that the previous year there was a fight on his team and after it was over and the dogs were moving again he saw blood on the snow .
12 And Pam told us yesterday that she ca n't kiss her on the lips .
13 Answer guide : This is an easy situation after the last one , here the wages are for the year and matching tells us they should be charged to this year .
14 So when politicians and farmers tell us there 's absolutely no risk , you could be forgiven for wanting to make up your own mind — especially if you 've got children .
15 If a marble statue of the Virgin Mary suddenly waved its hand at us we should treat it as a miracle , because all our experience and knowledge tells us that marble does n't behave like that .
16 This rock is gneiss , and geologists tell us that it is the most ancient of British rocks , extending beyond the mainland to the Hebrides .
17 There is a wide range of vitamins and minerals in bananas , and dieticians tell us that man can live on bananas and water alone , though the monotony may send yu over the edge !
18 ‘ I used to play there as a boy , and people told us the tunnels went all the way to Cuchulain 's castle .
19 The film we 're going to see is Flatliners , and Denice tells us she 's been dying to see it for ages .
20 We get on the subject of hobbies , and Denice tells us about her painting .
21 After all , would you like to have the fat cats who make Exocets and Harrierjets tell us when and where we should go to war ?
22 And Kinnock tells us we are being clobbered unduly because we shall pay £600 next year !
23 Erm and Mike told us that new reports commi commissioned by the City Council and the new owners claimed there is no danger .
24 In fact , Albany and Schwartz tell us , the Davy lamp enabled the managers of the mines to extend operations into seams with dangerous atmospheres , so when accidents did occur , the chances of being killed were far higher , This example sets the tone of the remainder of the book , which discusses more topical issues in science and how they are manipulated to serve one vested interest or another .
25 ‘ Bawdy ought to be outrageous and extravagant , ’ Lewis had written ; and Green tells us , ‘ he proceeds to give a very mild example . ’
26 ‘ We all think our gut reaction and intuition tells us what the public wants .
27 Indeed , wills and inventories tell us more about such people than any other source .
28 And Bretons and Basques tell us that being French is not a unitary condition , but rather a state of dynamic equilibrium between unity and diversity .
29 So we have to move from old structures to new but the first new government of South Africa will be a compromise in itself because it will be a united government but it will inherit not a post-apartheid state as many academics and politicians tell us it will inherit a nil-apartheid state and that is a very big difference we still have to move to the post-apartheid situation which could take decades .
30 The next day was hungover and quiet ; everybody wanted to know what we had got up to , and Girod told us that we would not be accompanying the section in town that afternoon .
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