Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 I 've been chief executive and/or chairman for twenty-five years and the tendency is to think you 're indispensable and you have to stay on until you 're seventy-five , as some people do .
2 The current benefit for a single mother with one child is £56-a-week plus housing benefit , or £67.80 with two children under 11 .
3 Many of Dalton 's circles had been used in the past in alchemy or pharmacy with one or more meanings , very different from that of one atom of a chemical element which Dalton meant them to represent .
4 It typically presents the graphic designer with the formidable task of squeezing quarts into pint pots : a lengthy , formal statement that ca n't be edited down ; legally required fine-print detail and tables of crucial figures that may or may not be felicitously depicted as graphs , pie-charts or bar-charts of one sort or another .
5 Hence the section 186 applies so long as the certificate is authenticated as executed by the company by the use of the common seal , the official seal or signatures of two directors or one director and the secretary ( or , in the case of Scottish companies , under the still wider provisions of section 36B ) .
6 In inside out patches , channel activity increased fivefold during depolarisation , ion substitution experiments confirmed that the channels were highly selective for K , and channel activity was almost abolished by removal of Ca 2 or addition of 5 mM Ba .
7 He joins Max & Co after two years as Technical Director for Trevor Sorbie .
8 A silvered white metal or aluminium wall plaque measuring 9″ × 12″ depicting a Lohner Hydravion manufactured by Jacob Lohner Werke & Co in 1914 .
9 The emission or absorption of one particle by another corresponds to the dividing or joining together of strings .
10 3 bedroomed semi/terraced/town house , flat or bungalow with 4 main rooms
11 Three bedroomed semi/terraced/town house , flat or bungalow with four main rooms , £12,500
12 Charges £21 for a one-hour float , or £48 for three floats , as an introductory offer , and you need to book in advance .
13 Fiduciaries attempt to resolve conflicts of interest and duty or conflicts between two duties by a variety of self-help methods .
14 He was held without charge or trial for six months and then released .
15 In the 1970s he was detained without charge or trial for five years and tortured and held for long periods in leg-irons .
16 Other political prisoners released including Andrew Kwame Pianim , an economist , businessman and former chief executive of the Cocoa Marketing Board , Bombardier Mustapha Mohamed , one of Ghana 's longest held political prisoners , detained without trial since December 1982 , and Corporal Stanley Okyere and three others who had been held without charge or trial since 1983 ( see AMNESTY , April/May , p10 ) .
17 Quite apart from educational and other handicaps , this was one reason why they and even their social betters took so little part in government , leaving it so often to Balts or Germans before 1917 , and to other non-Russians after that date .
18 He joined John Wiley & Sons in 1932 and was elected president and c.e.o .
19 He formed Alexander Hughes & Associates in 1965 , which was hived off when the parent company was sold to Hogg Robinson in 1967 .
20 Class hours are supplemented with 10 hours of visits or activities per two weeks accompanied by a teacher , which are relevant to the projects/topics worked on in the classroom .
21 Maguire & Co was started as the successor firm to Maguire & Murray in 1988 .
22 The desire or need for a fresh start arose either because , as in the United States , some neighbouring communities wished to unite together under a new government ; or because , as in Austria or Hungary or Czechoslovakia after 1918 , communities had been released from an Empire as the result of a war and were now free to govern themselves ; or because , as in France in 1789 or the U.S.S.R. in 1917 , a revolution had made a break with the past and a new form of government on new principles was desired ; or because , as in Germany after 1918 or in France in 1875 or in 1946 , defeat in war had broken the continuity of government and a fresh start was needed after the war .
23 Candidates could be nominated by political parties , party coalitions , or groups of 500 voters .
24 They chunk it up into pairs or groups of three or something like that so four groups of three or two groups of six or whatever , because what Miller actually found was the span of conception was and is seven plus or minus two .
25 In August 1939 Denniston moved GC & CS from 54 Broadway , Westminster , to Bletchley Park , an ugly Victorian country house in Buckinghamshire .
26 Baby or appendix in ninety eighty three .
27 I would welcome contact from any Victor enthusiasts or ex-members of 57 Squadron who think that this is a viable proposition , and who would be interested in embarking on this project with me .
28 You 'd go to a school where they 'd been doing French or Latin for two or three years and you had n't done any at all .
29 If the work has not gone too far , there is often some blank page , or part of one , where these can be noted ; otherwise they will normally be printed on a special slip or leaf which can be ‘ tipped-in ’ ( lightly attached by glue or paste at the inner edge ) .
30 He said : ‘ I should also be grateful if you would inform your readers that the Department of Transport have now agreed to reduce the fees for the new Transport & Works Act Orders which replace the old Light Railway Orders with effect from January 1 and the fees which will be payable in respect of applications where no compulsory purchase order is being sought will now be £750 for the first hectare ( or part of one hectare ) and thereafter £250 for each 0.5 hectare ( or part thereof ) with a maximum fee of £80,000 .
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