Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] [noun sg] it " in BNC.

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1 In a business or management sense it means that when an individual or a company identifies weaknesses , they hire staff or let contracts to handle those jobs that they can not handle themselves .
2 They wear their professionalism as a decent gentleman will wear his suit : he will not let ruffians or circumstance tear it off him in the public gaze ; he will discard it when , and only when , he wills to do so , and this will invariably be when he is entirely alone .
3 If the authority decides to apply for a care or supervision order it will be expected to file an application under s31 within the investigation period .
4 If it decides not to apply for an emergency protection , child assessment , care or supervision order it must consider whether it would be appropriate to review the case at a later date ( s47(7) ( a ) ) .
5 Before going into a residential or nursing home it is sensible to consider giving any valuables not in everyday use to a close relative or friend for safekeeping .
6 In this division or career framework it is the Rowdies who are the typical football hooligans .
7 Where the licensee holds a residential or restaurant licence it can lead to disqualification of the licensee .
8 Every time BBCBASIC(Z80) encountered a FOR , REPEAT , GOSUB , FN or PROC statement it " pushes " the return address on to a " stack " and every time it encountered a NEXT , UNTIL , RETURN statement or the end of a function or procedure it " pops " the latest return address of the stack and goes back there .
9 As explained in the " Program Flow Control " sub-section , every time BBCBASIC(Z80) encounters a FOR , REPEAT , GOSUB , FN or PROC statement it " pushes " the return address on to a " stack " and every time it encounters a NEXT , UNTIL , RETURN statement or the end of a function or procedure it " pops " the latest return address of the stack and goes back there .
10 Between 1976 and 1986 the average error in the Treasury 's forecasting of the PSBR ( whether negative or positive ) was £2.3 billion , and in the 1983 edition of the Treasury 's Financial Statement and Budget Report it was estimated that the average error in forecasting the public sector borrowing requirement for the year ahead was ofthe order of 1.5 per cent of GDP .
11 With the technical assistance of the Food and Agriculture Organisation it has begun digging terraces , and building dams to stop its topsoil disappearing .
12 Genentech says that once the company gains approval from the food and Drug Administration it will distribute the drug only to hospitals .
13 Now with living proof of patients like Michael , and researchers evidence it 's hoped that any doubts doctors may have had about penicillin will dissapear .
14 PALS : Gardner and Gazza ham it up in the sun
15 Whatever the physiological stimulus to platelet aggregation and thrombus formation it appears that it is the fissuring of an atheromatous plague often with extrusion of plaque lipid contents which triggers thrombus formation ( Bouch & Montgomery , 1970 ) .
16 Their quotation was £12 for two pages , we had asked for a quote based on four , and although the letter promised a price and font list it was not enclosed .
17 Because there is no overall relationship between risk ratings and recognition performance it is necessary to consider the effects that may operate within individual junctions .
18 Dunning and colleagues conclude that authors like Clarke are guilty of romanticising working-class history , ‘ attributing to it a degree of family , inter-age-group and neighbourhood solidarity it has probably never possessed ’ ( ibid.:237 ) .
19 But for millions of people in the world 's poorest countries , who live in fear of diseases like measles and whooping cough it is quite literally true .
20 ( i ) Purpose versus quality and law reform It may be that judicial ingenuity has already introduced into the law , irrespective of its emphasis upon purpose and function , a requirement that the goods supplied should be free of cosmetic defects , thereby introducing an acceptability test .
21 Although some regard competitor analysis as a subcomponent of environmental scanning , it is probably advisable to identify it as a separate and distinct analytical effort to insure that it is given the strategic priority and management attention it requires .
22 Therefore , when a battery shows signs of diminishing power and range effectiveness it makes sense to replace it .
23 I bought an Amstrad PCW when they first came on the market , and sterling service it has given me .
24 You do , you got , Lee the other night , it 's like Lee last Monday , went on the work experience and Monday night it all came down it 's pouring , oh it 's alright he says , were only going to go to the Woking
25 In March 1982 the Board informed the Bunchs ' company that following a review of its sales and marketing strategy it had decided to limit the sale of bulk butter to four other distributors in England and Wales and that , in future , the company would have to purchase its bulk butter from other distributors .
26 During the usual paramilitary , parachute , and security training it emerged that she was an admirable shot .
27 However , apparently as a result , UI 's 1988 charter will be rewritten to recognize the change in USL ownership and Novell will be asked to formally reaffirm the principles and specifics of architecture and vendor neutrality it contains .
28 Before looking at one-to-one and group direction it is worth thinking about the place and content of reflection in our lives .
29 According to the Health and Safety Executive it costs British Industry more than £2 billion a year in absenteeism .
30 Frodo and Sam debate it after they have destroyed the Ring and are caught in the fall of the Dark Tower. :
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