Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] [adv] at " in BNC.

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1 In the last twenty years the importance of migration has been reinforced by the decline in rates of natural increase ; now that births and deaths are almost in balance , migration is the crucial determinant of whether population grows or contracts even at the national level .
2 Starting with breakfast at 7am , Kramer 's stays open until two in the morning : there are few better ways to unwind than browsing to Vivaldi or jazz late at night .
3 He is one of the few engineers or designers still at Browns Lane to have worked with Sir William Lyons , the company 's founder and whose principles still provide much of its inspiration .
4 Promotion , however , tends to be slow , since it is generally governed by the principle of ‘ Buggins 's turn ’ ; one reaches the top or near-top only at about the age of 55 , when one is not far off retirement .
5 In the United Kingdom diploma-level courses are normally associated with either school-leavers or individuals already at work who are seeking career advancement whose academic qualifications are weak but who would benefit from an extensive course but one whose approach is related to skills acquisition rather than in-depth analytical studies .
6 When you move into your Higgs & Hill home at Port Solent you 'll be doing more than just living on the waterfront .
7 Anyone who missed it should contact either the Hot Press Back Issues Department or Sharon Prior at Tennents Ireland .
8 ‘ Changes could create a vacuum by setting up new authorities with no educational experience or tradition precisely at the time schools need maximum support for the introduction of their new management systems , ’ said the SPTC report .
9 Liz Savage will be talking about Princess Anne 's wedding on Good Morning With Anne & Nick today at noon .
10 Increasing failure to grow enough food on the part of farmers leads to a decline in productivity through a lack of energy and malnutrition particularly at times of peak labour demand , and an attempt to substitute less soil-conserving crop rotations .
11 Sometimes they presuppose background knowledge which teachers do not possess ; very often they demand approaches and attitudes quite at variance with those held by an average teacher .
12 Fame and Glory now at Cheltenham Race course .
13 It highlighted the child 's achievements and progress both at home and at nursery and identified areas where further encouragement and support were needed .
14 The happy landowner can then stand at the window smoking a pipe and wave cheerily at the unwelcome hill-walkers , secure in the knowledge that in a few minutes they will be heading back to the car , steam gently rising from them as they blink in distress from behind grisly face-masks of dung .
15 It was some while afterwards when Rose realised that she had left the canvas bag with the maroon dress and necklace behind at the studio .
16 Ways of maintaining and improving communications include : a ) establishing a management structure within the Partnership , with clear lines of communication into the schools and into employment ; b ) circulating minutes of management meetings to schools and employers so they know what is being discussed and what is being decided ; c ) bringing teachers and employers together at both Partnership and school level to plan , discuss and review the progress of the Compact ; d ) establishing School Compact Teams with regular meetings ; e ) circulating Compact documents , including such things as pupils ' Work Experience reports widely ; f ) holding Open Evenings for parents to brief them on Compact developments ; g ) producing a regular Compact Newsletter .
17 Arran was giving an impression of strength and direction wholly at odds with his personality .
18 The Catholic miracle of transubstantiation could be performed only by an ordained priest , who then received the body and blood alone at the altar .
19 It was but a poor trophy for the day — a flag in exchange for a Regent , and Balliol still at large .
20 Then , before anyone could stop her , Doreen rushed across the kitchen to slap Lucy 's face and pound viciously at her head with closed fists .
21 The street below was quiet , little traffic braving the snow and ice even at this time of day — but then Mayfair really only came alive at night , when the various hostesses entertained .
22 The pressure finally told when Champness converted East Grinstead 's tenth penalty corner , but it was a spirited performance from the young Holywood team and a not so impressive display from the visitors who were due to face Lisnagarvey this afternoon and Banbridge tomorrow at Blaris .
23 Feller got 'im from t'dog and cat home at Harrington and sold 'im to me . "
24 Under conditions of nonlimiting H 2 concentrations ( a ) , D. desulfuricans reduced Fe(III) and sulphate simultaneously at rates comparable to Fe(III) and sulphate reduction when only one of the electron acceptors was provided .
25 Ewan would stand and gaze wonderingly at the naked boy forming before his eyes .
26 Ask him his priorities , and he puts education and deregulation firmly at the top .
27 Stalin and Molotov suddenly at a meeting of the Council of Commissars … proposed that the control figures of the plan be increased twofold … in June 1930 , Stalin suddenly announced sharp increases in the goals — for pig iron , from 10 million to 17 million tons by the last year of the plan ; for tractors , from 55,000 to 170,000 ; for other agricultural machinery and trucks , an increase of more than 100 per cent .
28 The statues of Athena and Zeus respectively at Athens and Olympia by the sculptor Phidias carried forward the tradition , but the figures in which flesh was rendered in ivory and hair and garments in beaten gold were in this case around forty feet high .
29 It covers the organisation of the French Navy 's crews and their uniforms and equipment both at sea and , increasingly , when formed into shore units of infantry , artillery , engineers , etc. ; and includes such arcana as ouvriers , coast guards , naval administrative personnel , medical staff , etc .
30 Newly elected Welsh Secretary John Redwood MP addressed CIOB members and guests recently at the 14th Duke of Edinburgh Lecture .
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