Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] if it " in BNC.

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1 We ask for three O eight to be referred or opposed if it is not and that you support motion three O nine as it 's in line with current policy .
2 Then I 'll dump by bag or listen if it even if I were n't here would you have anything to do ?
3 Yet in Britain , ‘ race ’ can not be under stood if it is falsely divorced from other political processes or grasped if it is reduced to the effect of these other relations .
4 These are rather like undated gilts in that they are perpetual instruments , but interest can be waived or reduced if it would cause the issuer to breach capital adequacy requirements .
5 I knew I was being bewitched , laid under a spell so intensely personal , so thrilling , I did not have the power to resist it , or to judge if it were good or evil .
6 How , indeed , were mental states to be measured , and how was a mental state to be judged to be lessened or heightened if it could not be measured , even crudely ?
7 On the last day of my visit to Florida I met Graham Morris , the Rover Group 's American President , who told me that whether it 's work or play if it 's in America it 's got to be big to survive .
8 When they read to us they do n't skip bits , or mind if it is the same story over again .
9 The strategy could not make , nor sustain if it could , the ceteris paribus conditions such as the idea of a perfect vacuum in which objects fall at a constant rate of acceleration whatever their size and shape .
10 Elsie joined me on the river bank and asked if it was hot enough for me .
11 I cheekily went across to a detached cottage and asked if it was possible to get a bite to eat .
12 Eventually , thunder rumbled in the distance , and he looked up and asked if it was gun-fire ; when I said I thought not , he moved to the door saying , ‘ If Mr Colin recommends them , I 'll take all three ’ .
13 I filed that away and asked if it was all right for the girls to stay until the doctors had done their rounds .
14 As always when drawing , I stand back from the piece at regular intervals to get an overall feel as to how the drawing is developing , and to see if it is uniform in shade and texture .
15 As always when drawing , I stand back from the piece at regular intervals to get an overall feel as to how the drawing is developing , and to see if it is uniform in shade and texture .
16 I just want to know those three things — the extent of the damage , the location of this ticking noise and to see if it 's possible to remove this atom bomb or whatever , which I 'm convinced in advance is impossible .
17 Any visual task is rendered more difficult and fatiguing if it is undertaken in poor lighting .
18 Instead , we 're willing to take the risk and give Birmingham the retail centre it deserves and needs if it is not to be completely undermined by rival out-of-town attractions . ’
19 One is forced to ask what OSF had to gain and wonders if it was n't some kind of supralegal manoeuvre to put pressure on Addamax and Sun because they 've got something on the OSF contingent .
20 Mr Ashdown reaffirmed his willingness to be flexible and to compromise if it came to negotiating with a minority government of either hue .
21 Whereas before I used to say let's do this or that and worry if it was n't done , now I 've decided that I 'm really not going to worry about the garden any more .
22 I for one will be happy to be stopped and searched if it is going to help protect us from terrorist bombs .
23 The endorsee-buyer 's message was also tested and accepted if it contained the portion of the original seller 's test key .
24 In effect , they wanted to vary the experimental conditions enough to clarify the source of the heat and confirm if it was fusion .
25 She would kill him later , but for the present , she was thinking of Sycorax , who had instructed her in love , and wondering if it would please her that here she was , filling a man with desire just as Sycorax had always said she should .
26 I give my leg a nasty bash , but I do n't stop and see if it 's bleeding — I just want to get out .
27 I should go and see if it is all right . ’
28 you could phone up and see if it 's there , yeah .
29 well , like I 'd say I 'd go down to post office , I say no I 'll go with ya , it was raining last Thursday , I said no I 'll go with ya , so I said I 'll wait and see if it 'll , it 'll be fine , but he 's not like that he 's an old , I would n't , well
30 Micro Focus Plc makes a very good living out of a programming language that many believed would be long dead by now yet still shows no signs of fading away — but if object-oriented programming fulfils its promise and sweeps away the paraphernalia of the first 35 years of the computer industry , Micro Focus is going to have to be ready and waiting if it is not going to be swept away too .
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