Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] for another " in BNC.

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1 A local authority may be asked to provide a report from one of its own officers or to arrange for another person to provide a report as appropriate .
2 Laughton and his board have put faith in the players and they must repay that faith or look for another club .
3 On a more personal level , Riley has said : ‘ The game is the same but the stakes are higher for women – – You need time to reflect , you are alone essentially , and I knew that I could n't give the time and thought to bringing up children or caring for another person on an intimate level .
4 Furthermore , they were less likely to have applied to be taken on by the firm 's main competitor , which took over its order book , or to look for another job before leaving the firm .
5 One problem here is that it is cold comfort to an individual citizen that he can use the political process to air his grievances , for example by writing to his MP or councillor or to the press or voting for another party next time round .
6 Indeed , from where is there a proven pressure or need for another set of examinations ? ’ .
7 I accepted that but , having in mind Sweden 's small population and great resources of iron and timber , thought it an untypical sort of country , and asked for another .
8 When he received a Mickey Mouse , he swelled triumphantly , and asked for another .
9 On May 13th , after days of heavy selling by the markets — and heavy buying by Spain 's central bank — the government suspended its obligation to defend the peseta , and asked for another realignment of the system .
10 He finished the beer and asked for another .
11 So she gave Jamie to a horse dealer called Liz Burt and asked for another in return .
12 Northallerton magistrates sentenced the 20-year-old to a total of seven months in a youth custody centre after he admitted two burglary charges and asked for another seven offences to be taken into consideration .
13 The microtitre plates were washed thoroughly with PBS-Tween and incubated for another 30 minutes with alkaline-phospatase ( ALP ) conjungated rabbit anti-human γ chain or rabbit anti human α chain antisera ( Dako , Glostrup , Denmark ) diluted 1:400 in PBS-Tween .
14 Stir in the monkfish cubes and simmer for another 5 minutes or until fish is just done .
15 Julian then made a full recovery and lived for another forty years .
16 After 20 minutes , turn down the heat to Gas 4/350F/180C and cook for another 1¼–1½ hours .
17 After 20 minutes , turn down the heat to Gas 4/350F/180C and cook for another 1¼–1½ hours .
18 Stir in the spices and cook for another 1 minute .
19 Finally stir in the chicken pieces and mushrooms and cook for another 4 minutes , until everything is hot but still crisp .
20 Put it into the centre of a hot oven , gas no. 6 or 7 , 410°F. to 440°F. , and bake for 10 minutes , then lower the temperature to gas no. 4 , 370°F. , and cook for another 15 minutes .
21 Add the cornflour blended with ½ cup of water and cook for another 5 minutes .
22 An official I spoke to said there were no staff to take the train on and we had to leave and wait for another to come along . ’
23 Because he felt so relaxed , he was able to smile and wait for another bar or two before letting the music dictate an answer .
24 Instead , control your impatience and wait for another week or so before testing the material again .
25 I better back off and wait for another day . ’
26 So she learns to give all her stories happy endings and take her troubles to bed with her — after she has cooked , cleaned , washed and ironed and prepared for another day .
27 He reeled in and prepared for another cast , seeming absorbed by his task .
28 He went straight to the Passport Office and applied for another one-year renewal .
29 I would save myself and those around a lot of heartache by forgetting the Sahara and looking for another curacy .
30 After tossing and turning for another while , Amiss fell into a deep sleep from which he was woken less than an hour and a half later by his alarm clock .
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